How was your pack opening? (TITANS)

My pack opening ended up being pretty good, better than average.
I only got a few epics from the 5 Mage, 5 Warlock, 2 Golden Standard, and 5 Golden TITANS packs so I’ll be counting regular TITANS packs:

Pack 6: Flame Behemoth
Pack 32: Kologarn
Pack 49: Tyr
Pack 65: Freya, Keeper of Nature
Pack 87: V-07-TR-0N

Pack 102: Thorm, Stormlord
Pack 116: Aman’Thul
Pack 130: Khaz’goroth
Pack 152: Helya
Pack 161: Sif
Pack 163: Hodir, Father of Giants
Pack 172: SIGNATURE Ra-den
Pack 181: Golganneth, the Thunderer
Pack 186: Argus, the Emerald Star

14 Legs by Pack 186, the latter half of the packs really boosted the total legendaries I got.

I also got a Sargeras, the Destroyer from 34 Standard packs.

Pre-order Signature was Mimiron, the Mastermind, and Golden Algalon the Observer, which I rerolled to Norgannon when I got the Tavern Pass level 2 reward.

What did you guys get?

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I didn’t get a titan……


Im sure youl get one soon.

My pack opening experience was very poor this expansion. I opened 38 packs and only got one Legendary (on pack 5?). I may have to hit the 40 pack pit timer (on pack 45) to get a 2nd legendary.

Although I can contrast this ^ experience with past new expansion openings of a similar amount of packs and getting around four legendaries.

I have opened around 20 packs each on 8 of my other F2P collections, and only one of them hit a second legendary, so overall it’s been an unimpressive round of pack openings for me for Titans.

20 packs, golden mage titan ,normal freya , DH legendary don’t remember which. wanted golden Aman’Thul so crafted it.

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I think i got 2 legendaries off 40 packs. Then one more off 10 more packs.

I’ve had better drops.

garbage as I can’t use any forge cards as I don’t have any cards to use the forge ability.

EDIT: I think I do have forge cards if I understand the mechanic now. In order to use Forge on a card, I need 2 extra mana plus the mana cost of the card. For Example, if card costs 2 mana, I need another 2 mana to use the forge ability on that card.

Correct but you can also forge on an earlier turn. You can forge on turn 2 and play the card on turn 7.

Cool. Now to get a titan card.

Nothing too crazy. Opened like 10000 f2p gold worth of packs. Don’t think i got anything noteworthy except the DK plague legendary (nice, but plague dk sucks atm) and the druid 10 mana titan. (Nice, but im not sure if druid plays it yet.)

(Missed out on any nerfdust even for 10k gold.)

Also managed to skip out on not opening a single one of the nerfed roguebots despite 10,000 gold. (yay, no nerf dust, no epics for 10,000), so yeah. Despite being f2p i guess that’s alright… i spent nothing and got nothing i’d be using in a meta deck right now., But it’s not terribad, i guess.

(Man, if 10k gold was 100$, that’d be dissapointing…)

I had to spend a whole expac as a tavern pass f2p (Buy 20$ pass. Mostly for skins tbh, but f2p most everything else, no bought packs past 1$ sarge deal/ 5$ welcome bundle).

Even though it was f2p gold, 10,000 gold was a princely sum to save up for f2p, nearly the whole expac. And i don’t think i got anything fun of note from it bar those 2 cards. I just built up a common/rare collection. But… that’s not exactly anything to speak of. Even on all that gold you’re always missing all the epics.

If you lowroll or mehroll legendaries or don’t get all the parts of a deck, gl playing a deck that needs 11000 of 15000 dust to complete… And expires in a month… to get a extra 100 dust.

(Dust economy)

The average player maybe gets 2000-4000 dust a expac to make a deck, and the standard meta decks right now are like 4000-15000 dust to play for a week until a deck gets nerfed and the meta changes.

Hearthstone is fun, and the eco is better in raw numbers, but it always feels like the ability to try new decks in ranked as a f2p or even homebrew is balanced by the fact even ludicrious hoarding can only go so far. Homebrewing is limited since it’s expensive to even have 1 deck, much less experiment with 1-10 without even good odds even a initially promising one survives playtesting when you have to be so frugal or economical with f2p dust. 10k or not.

(Also the tavern pass legend always sucks now, which… doesn’t help economy either.)

Like, Alganon has a pretty sick animation. But you know it feels like every tavern legendary almost consistently sucks when the skins are good. Just to like give you a dead card that won’t help with your decks or see much meta play.

It’s like they deliberately made him the tavern diamond with a gorgeous even for diamond animation, went all out. Then gave Alganon stat’s that’d never see play, while other decks vomit and snort 10-20 legendaries and 10k-15k to 20-30k dust costs…

Alganon or w/e is one you could argue technically could be a DOWNGRADE from the DEFAULT low value hero power. That’s not a great selling point. Every other deck snorts legendaries, while the one you ‘pay’ to ‘get for free’… sucks.

Like, you could have Algarnon or [whatever his name even is] give you a random card each hero power use and cost 2 mana. And he’d still be meh. You might even make him a 4 mana 5/4, and he might still be meh. Modern hearthstone is just too fast for alganon to matter.

Modern hs is just so fast, 1 free card isn’t going to do anything against the 10/11s rogues make 1 turn later now. Plagues are already slow even by lax standards, why gamble on a 10% chance to do tickle dmg, when you could have a 90% chance to do 10-20 dmg AND build board AND DUPLICATE and overwhelm a opponent AND have your whole deck be good with another deck?

Any deck can be good if it’s brute forced, but i don’t think i see a druid deck i can afford to play rn making it to t10 to play my titan and being t2 meta okay (that i know of, yet), or see standard plague dk working at current power levels.

(Gee, if that’s 10k gold, how fast does money burn? :thinking: )

So i spent 10k gold, but i don’t have any new decks i can afford to play in standard. And i thought 10k f2p gold was a lot…

But it felt like it took 5 minutes to vanish and i have little to show for it relative to how expensive hs is getting. I’d hate to imagine 100$ vanishing in 5 minutes, but that’s how much 100 packs/10k gold would have cost… and it would have felt like a pit if i paid real world money for it… Yet spend 1$ a day and you might exceed a whole year of collecting in one 100$ buckaroni burning in a fire.

I don’t want to spend 10,000 dust to get 100 dust back though. Ranked legendary is a excuse to get 100 more dust to play with, not the OTHER way around for me.


o Spent 10,000 gold, opened dk Golden plague card and 1 other noteworthy legendary i forgot (Druid titan?). Not enough to make a complete Standard deck even for that much?!!? :confused:

o Also didn’t open a single nerfed card in 10,000 gold, thanks luck. :thinking: so not even 400 dust (3%) of the dust you’d need to make these 4000-15000 dust decks. :/.

  • Oh well, i’ve always been better at playing to my means than most, i guess. But it’s still dissapointing though.)
  • I thought 10000 gold would go FAR in standard. but it barely went anywhere at all. :S
  • Least wild still exists though! :D.

Where my 1600-10000 dust crafts are good for months or YEARS VS Weeks :smiley: .
o Makes things a lot more sustainable!!!