How to: win every battleground

This was before the patch and I didn’t take long. You can see my murloc ain’t even big. My T4 trips found brann. At t3 my zerus turn into a megasaur giving me divine shield. Omw up I found 5 toxfin and a T5 triples gave me 2nd megasaur for windfury and health. I am just 1 or 2 turns in T5 max at the point of establishing such a board (was a v v v lucky run)

As you point out thats a very lucky run and while winning is nice, the goal is to be top 4 and if you want to consistently top 4 having a high roll strat is not as good. There are so many solid mechs and so many ways to win with mechs versus all the other types that you basically are forced to be mech. Basically I do not think its that mechs themselves are OP its just that there are so many solid ones that they are the most consistent way to top4