How to tell if you're facing a Blizzard Bot

But in this case, they’ve already admitted they know bots exist and that it’s a problem, straight from a past interview.

Thats sorta my point though.

The report “feature” is nothing more than a placebo IMO.

They havent acknowledged hackers in game, yet the option to report them exists, because it was requested.

The option to report bots doesnt mean anything in conjunction with their comment of “the report options are what ppl wanted, not what we will enforce”

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I am on your side since i experienced the same in the past.

When I see it written this way, I realize how naive I was being.

No, Blizzard did NOT implement reporting “because it was requested.” That might be the official line, but when Blizzard puts power in the hands of the players, what that means is that they are not paying an employee to wield that power anymore. In other words, the introduction of reporting is a clear signal that Blizzard was getting rid of (and has now got rid of) their anti-bot employees entirely, instead relying on player reports to find bots. Because players aren’t very good at this (and they shouldn’t be, it’s not like they’re getting paid), bots are running rampant ever since reporting was implemented.

I agree with you on the “hacking” option though, lol. Some of the report choices are joke options.

Has the topic exposing Blizzard bots been deleted?? I can’t find it.

I don’t know if he deleted it or if it was deleted or if it’s just hard to find. Either way, I have the pictures that I can send you that shows proof. Just give me an email

Themans evidence starts here:

Yes, it is hard to find. Its not in the thread he created on the topic.


Today I played two times vs Blizzard Bots

  • standard cards no one play
  • standard card back, no hover with mouse on anything
  • no wait time with play, nothing, it felt the same as story driven ai game
  • since turn three I wanted to report this bot, but I had no enemy, no name to click on, it was blank

I heard about Blizz bots on Classic but in Standard?

Is this skepticism justified? The fact that these bots cannot be added, therefore nor reported, does not logically necessitate that these bots are Blizzard’s. No?

I have pics of some bots with no name or battle tag. I dont really understand this. If i were blizzard adding bots i would would give them names and battle tags, whats the harm, reports go them anyway.

For me, its more of why wouldnt blizz use bots, if there was a use or need. I wouldnt be surprised if they even outsource it. It’s too easy. imo anyway.

Mercenaris is going downhill so fast, the only reason they let people farm so much exp there is for recorded logins and playtime, to keep them alive and pumping up numbers for reports. Again imo anywayyyy

Thank gawd the sheeitty rope bots are only in very low ranks,.

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