How to tell if you're facing a Blizzard Bot

So, today, I created a home brew deck that I wanted to try perfect. I play in Legend, and when in Legend, you get to see your opponents rank. And, for me, the only way to get better at something in this game is to play against other players in ranked.

So when I Queued up and I started to notice something. I was no longer able to see my opponents rank. They also played completely random cards that nobody runs in a deck, only used classic hearthstone card backs, just threw out cards that would clear the board when there were no minions, or buff my minions instead of theirs, like there are players that are bad, but not that bad. However, the biggest giveaway, is that when you look at you social list, where it will show you the 5 most recent players, the top spot will always show you who you are playing against if you’re in a match, then once the match ends they will show as the last opponent you played.

I’m guessing that Blizzard didn’t think this through when they made this because the bots will not be displayed as as your current opponent. Once the match is over, only the last real person you played against will be displayed as your last opponent, and it will be like the last match never happened, and the only way you can actually verify that you did in fact play against “itsnotinurhead” is by going to HSreplay and watching the replay.

The other thing I noticed is that when you keep going up against these unraked bots. The particular class you play against will have the exact same cards as the last Priest bot, or whatever class it was. Not necessarily in the same order, but the same generic list, with a bunch of random cards that don’t synergize well.

Another thing that did happen in one of the matches happen matches that I’ve never seen happen before was, The bot drew a card, played it, the animation popped up with what the card was, however, as soon as it hit the board it changed into a completely different card. No spells of any kind were used to change the card, it literally was played right off the top deck. I lsaid outload “WTF”, figured I must have missed something, went to HSreply, watched it, and nope, that’s exactly what happened.

so now I’m left thinking how I once believed the game was alive and well, however, this has changed my perspective on the health of the game. I was reviewing HSreplay, looking at the number of matches being played per deck per class in each tier, there should be way more games than are being reported. So it seems to me that bots have become a necessary evil to give the illusion that there are a sea of players at all times.


So you tanked your match making rank into oblivion level and are unhappy you got matched against a bot instead of a noob?

I only started to run into them as soon as I started to play the deck I created today.

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WHy don’t you share those replays so we can all see what you’re talking about.

Here’s one from the match that just ended. LOL…

Probably the funniest one of them yet in my opinion. It actually made me laugh so hard as I was watching their turn 6 unfold.


Pufferfist is a pretty weird card for a mage deck.


what in creation am i looking at? I thought replays recorded the match? im not seeing anything resembling what the game looks like. I think im seeing all card types and not just minions or locations sitting on the board itself? and more than 7 on it? Im sure I’m just not understanding it but if the replays arent a video of what we see as we play, then whats the point? These seem like they can be easily manufactured by power point.

Carefull, thats a conspiracy theory.

Joke aside, yeah happens so often, you make a weird deck and from that point you are only matched against other even more weird decks.

I created once a exotic hunter (dragons, techcards all that mumbo jumbo) deck which would perfectly counter all the decks i played against before, the first match i played was against someone allmost using my exact decklist and all other matches were against similar decks.

None of the decks i wanted to counter in first hand and i played against all the time were never seen again.

Funny algorythm.


Do you stop seeing them if you play a meta deck?

I believe the point is to show what happened in the game without having to actually record a video of it yourself while you play. You probably could make something like it with a powerpoint if you wanted to, but I’m not sure why anyone would do that, and it wouldn’t have the hsreplay URL.

It’s hard to call it a conspiracy theory when I have it all recorded. lol, I was verbally annoyed every time I went up against a mindless bot, because its not possible to tweak a deck and perfect it when the bots are wasting your time with garbage decks and just playing cards to simply play something regardless of what you did. There’s zero challenge in it, total waste of time. I also logged them in excel, and I would go up against the same ones multiple times in an hour, I found it amusing though how the names were so Similar, like MightOwl, and Mightyelf, how original they were is making the names so different, lol. IT took about 6 hours before I started playing people in legend again with the deck, and the bots vanishing from my matchups.

Yes, when I swapped to a meta deck, I was matched up against other players in legend with meta decks.


Theman already showed proof that blizzard uses bots in ranked even at legend.

It’s not a conspiracy anymore. If you don’t know they exist, you haven’t done the research.

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I have a thought for these “poor” whales who still spend loads of money on this game to play against bots.


The prevalence of bots really puts a black mark on the game for me personally. It really makes me question putting more time, money and effort into it.

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How to tell if you’re facing hyperactive spammers posting the same stuff all over the forums… Facing BOTS in legend

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There are Blizzard sanctioned bots in legend, as far as we know.

If they are prevalent outside of legend, or even common, we don’t know. I personally never faced one of these. It’s just as possible they’ve been recently implemented in unknown numbers.

Don’t get your pants on twist just yet.

We do know. There are nothing but bots in classic. It’s well known. Check out reddit right now, there are lots of threads on that just today. We had conversations on this in other threads here proving it. Get learnt.

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Why are you people always so angry? If you reaaaaaly wanna stick up to Blizzard, quit the game. It’s far more effective a tactic.


We know there are bots in very low ranks in standard and in Legend in wild. We know those are Player bots.

We know Blizzard bots are remarkable by their lack of rank, capability of being added and VERY poor decks. They also may or may not only have automatic Blizzard names. We know they exist in ranked in legend. How many or if they are present in other ranks is unknown.

We don’t know much else other than that.

You are contradicting yourself. And who is “you people” that are “so angry”? That sounds like some deep seeded racism showing itself.

You said it was unknown outside of legend. You are wrong. Just take the L.

Those are 3 threads from within a day on reddit front page.

All I see in classic are bots. My point holds.

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I played a bunch of them in silver standard yesterday.