How to play around the algorithm

Wild assertions
Proof asked for wild assertions
“you think they wouldn’t!?”
Proof asked for wild assertions
“I don’t have proof…you think they wouldn’t?”
Proof asked for wild assertions
“I don’t have proof…you think they wouldn’t?”

That’s basically the entire thread in a nutshell.

Those of us with knowledge of how a proper debate and discussion is supposed to happen are just having a debate and discussion with those who don’t have a clue why their response does nothing to move the debate forward and how their rebuttals are chalk full of logical fallacies. Any attempt to point out said logical fallacies and how their arguments are problematic just result in them restating more logical fallacies.


What on earth is this nonsense?

And being called Blizzard employees or shills.

It’s laughable how dumb much of this thread is.


Oh, interesting. This post was flagged to the ground and temporarily removed.

Then the moderators found that the removal was unwarranted and it was restored.

Funny who I was speaking to when this magically got mass flagged.

Almost as if this person has some way to manipulate the voting system within the forums and should be investigated by the moderators.

It’s exactly what the person who I am addressing did to me in another thread.

Apparently if one poster asks another poster not to speak to them, you must respect that wish or you get suspended.

But I had to make it official and repeat the phrasing.

Kind of like Gandalf and the Balrog, you have to say it out loud.

Now, if this person addresses me, they will get suspended within minutes of doing so, like what happened to me in the other thread.

It’s so interesting how I got suspended within 60 seconds after speaking to said person.

Like something is up…

So, on top of manipulating matchmaking, T5 is colluding with their favorite forum users?

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AND they are colluding with HSReplay and VS apparently.

When one is a conspiracy theorist, everyone around you becomes part of the conspiracy if they disagree.

Millions of game data has been logged. Not a single deck, not a single card, not a single point of data is out of whack of normality on play rate, yet they continue the conspiracy despite that fact. It must mean the data collectors are also part of the conspiracy.


Life must be so interesting in your fishbowl, mine is much more ordinary.

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Was that supposed to be clever?

You simply said your life is more ordinary than a fishbowl. What does that MEAN MAN!

Are you burning me then saying that your life is worse? Or is ordinary better? I’m not the one in a fishbowl my dude, if anything I’m all over the effing place. YOU are in the Blizzard fishbowl eating whatever flakes they sprinkle in there. I’m in the OCEAN. I’m not saying I’m right, but your fishbowl thing…

probably “play the same deck and the algorithm will put you against only one class that counters you. if instead you change deck every time you will se many different classes, so the matchmaking is random”.
“if you lose, you stick with the same deck, because eventually the game will help by giving you a favourable match up”

At least, this is how interpreted it; it doesn’t seem very effective to me with 0 testing: you win, you change deck, but when you lose you continue the lose streak in order to climb? How is that going to help you :joy:


I mean that in your mind/world there is a lot of mysterious stuff going on, hidden agendas, lofty plans, etc… E.g.

Whereas in my world this complexity doesn’t exist.

See I spend precisely zero time thinking about ‘blizzard’ and grand conspiracies. Between running a software development business, part time study, and young kids there isn’t much time to allocate.

I happen to have a mentally ill relative who believes lots of randomly weird bits and pieces. One day she was showing me through London … there’s the London eye, there’s parliament, there’s 10 downing street, oh look big Ben, and over there is London bridge… and see that building there? That’s where the Illuminati have a interdimensional portal to planet 9. And just down there is trafalgar square…

She lives in a very interesting fishbowl.


That’s very modest of you to say…

So, why are you here?

Sounds like you should focus on all of those other things. (No sarcasm) As someone who wastes FAR too much time on these horrible forums, I would suggest you abandon them all together as there is nothing redeeming about these forums whatsoever (except card reveal discussions)

I bicker because I must have some deep seeded longings for a horrible debate team I was never on in high school.

You, on the other hand, should go attend to your accolades.

Insomnia at 2:25am is almost always the reason. Or sometimes I’m on the toilet.

You could be doing something more productive, even on the toilet. These forums aren’t even worth toilet time.

You could be playing the actual game!


We could all be doing something more productive.

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Productive or constructive?

I think the card reveal discussions and legitimate game play discussions are the only valid things on these forums.

(But, Paf, some of the crap you talk about, blah blah) Garbage also.

No one really uses these forums constructively except for the above-mentioned examples, and it’s sad.

People try fun threads and “Hey, I had a thought” threads. They fall straight off the front page with 0-3 replies.

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Yeah exactly. Good or fun threads get zero traction.

The troll patrol are scanning these forums day and night looking to pounce on anyone questioning the game so those complaint threads get all the activity. The same few people have been posting in these forums for years running off anything valuable this place had.

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Must seem like the world is against you. Games companies, “regular” forum posters, surely there’s more.

No, it doesn’t seem like the world is against me. Not at all.

The people you refer to as the “troll patrol” are often the same people that are dissatisfied with the game. These people do, however, admire logic and reason and so will debate notions that defy these principles.

For instance, although these people will argue until they’re blue in the face that matchmaking is not rigged, they are not by extension happy with the game. They are, also, not by extension happy with Blizzard.

Lastly, this name-calling is a cruddy way to dismiss people you disagree with. It’s very unsavory behavior.