How to play around the algorithm

Wow, that’s just poor effort man. I’ll give you a few minutes to make more sense. brb.

Classic gaslighting. I know you are but what am I response.

I already explained it to you and then you play dumb and say I didn’t.

Terrible comeback.

Here, I’ll bite.

Blizzard makes money selling packs. People see good decks. They want decks. They BUY PACKS.

The OP is referencing a method of rotating THREE DECKS, this would require owning “a lot” of cards.

Then HERP, people buy packs to make the three decks?

Do you understand ekonmie now?

But I know an opposite theory that would make them money.

They don’t do rigging. Instead they gave a number of people money to spread the conspiracy theory that it is rigged. Why? Because the rigging actually costs more money. And the money is made from people who believe there’s a conspiracy to have the game rigged for people who spend more money on the game. Because those conspiracy theorists are more likely to spend more money if they believe that.


So let me see if I get this straight.

Blizzard’s plan was to introduce complicated algorithms that they had to actually pay actual programmers to program into the code, further complicating the program so as to increase loading times and/or the size of the game client, in order to provide incentive to players to build multiple decks instead of just one deck…

…and then after completing this work, they decide to keep it a secret?

Not a good plan.


Neither is feeding trolls.

My father used to frequently say, “Don’t look for logic where there isn’t any” and I think that applies directly to this entire thread.

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This is a much better plan than the one I posted above. It employs “advanced” psychological methods, such as… telling people about alleged consequences in advance if you want to influence their behavior.

This is kinda off topic, but to anyone reading this: please, please get a handle of this concept before you become a parent, if you ever become one. It’s the difference between discipline and child abuse.

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I will also claim bonus points that this theory is consistent with them being lazy!

Now you’re saying Blizzard can “do no wrong” because it’s expensive to pay programmers to take more time to “stick it to us”???

Are you serious?

Have you been to Earth?

If it costs me 1 million dollars to “screw you over” and I get 5 million for doing so…

Wow, you people really really really must work for Blizzard, it’s the only explanation for your fanaticism.


I claim they’re doing wrong, and they get to save the money the programming costs.

Nope. Never said that.

Why would you think I did? You can scroll up to confirm I didn’t. Cognitive dissonance, perhaps?

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Are you saying there is no benefit to Blizzard by us crafting decks?

This “entire thread” is about making THREE DECKS to try and advance in the “system”. Now, you may or may not agree with how the “system” works and I find it curious how you all are deflecting by only focusing on the OP’s “conspiracy theories” and not his 3 deck suggestion.

Fine, you don’t believe the game is rigged, that’s cool. Whatever.

But to say that (as the thread has twisted) that Blizzard would have no incentive to “force” us to craft multiple competitive decks is frankly ignorant.

The fact that you see NO benefit for Blizzard by us buying packs to make competitive decks just shows you are here to argue and troll.

Your intentional disagreement with FACTS in order to INCITE people in this thread and on the forums is the clear definition of trolling.

Buying packs makes Blizzard money. This is a FACT.

Now go away troll.

DO NOT EVER make reference to anything I write on these forums or ever address me directly. You have been warned.

We acknowledged that Blizzard makes more money if more packs are purchased.

I am just saying that if you were able to get people to purchase more packs without having to pay expensive staffing and computing costs, it’s better than doing it with those additional costs.

You said they’re a corporation interested in making money.

I’m sorry dude. Here, this is what you wrote.

And please stop quoting only a portion of my sentences out of context to make me look bad. It only makes you look small.

…is what I said.

Look where I wrote “because” and then read after that.

You are suggesting that Blizzard would never (whatever you want to call it) “trick us”, or “do us wrong”, or “take advantage of us” because of the fact that they would have to pay their employees extra to do so.

You are reaching now and it’s really sad.

OMG now you’re on that bandwagon too? (or the same person, I won’t tell)

Stop, just stop thinking that a corporation would NEVER spend money to make money.




So, the new defense to “This game is rigged!” is:

“Nah, it’s too expensive to rig it”


Wow, this is making me smile. It’s amazing.

You are quite the straw man fallacy generator.

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I still never said Blizzard can “do no wrong.”

I did say it would be a bad plan. Because, if anything like that ever happened, it would be. You don’t make money by creating inventive systems that the target doesn’t realize exist.

um he started it.
I think it’s safe to say yes, he’s on his own bandwagon.

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You’re focusing on the word “no”.

“Do no wrong” I meant in THIS particular instance, not in general. So just stop with that being your “defense”.

Of course, Blizzard can do things wrong, in general. I shouldn’t have to keep repeating myself to get you to understand words.

I just think that even believing for 1 second a company wouldn’t spend time and money to increase profits could be the most ignorant thing I have ever heard in my life. Sorry. Honestly, I don’t want to be rude to you like that. But come on…

(thats actually a poor example because they are straight up just LYING to us and not giving a crap, they aren’t even spending money to make money, thay are just printing it, but I digress, you get the point)

Honestly, Paf, the fact that the point of their argument is still going over your head is making me feel bad for you, like they’re punching an old man who does not know what’s going on. It feels bad.

You proposed Blizzard rigging the game in a certain way makes people craft more decks (with a nebulous giant WHY? you refused to address) and they proposed an counter rigging theory. To you, however, that are emotionally invested in it, your theory seems more believable than theirs, even though they’re both flawed in the exact same way but theirs cost cheaper.


The games made billions and everything about it sucks, to pretend something isnt amiss is laughable.

Well with billions they could only afford some skins and mercs debacles cause its hard to program code at a gaming company.

Maybe if they hired gamers and artists instead of lawyers and everything… and theeeen what if they could make games BY gamers FOR gam… wait… they got bought out by ms lol… nvm thats right…