How to obtain all cards?


I want to get all available cards in the game (including wild cards). What is the most cost-effective way to do this? If I buy from wild books, only wild cards come out of it? Should I buy the books of that category separately for each category?

Thanks in advance.

If you want all of them, in my opinion the best way is to first buy the Adventures and minisets, and then up to 10 packs of each expansion set to get the guaranteed legendary as well as any cards that are awarded upon opening your first pack from a set, then finally the Wild packs, the red ones covered in vines. Thanks to Duplicate and Triplicate Protection you are guaranteed to open only cards you don’t have until you have a full playset of the rarity, including former Core cards that have moved to Legacy and were never part of any expansion set. Eventually you’ll have enough dust to craft the Wild ones you’re still missing. Save the Standard packs for last because you will get many standard packs from reward chests, tavern brawls, Twitch drops, Arena rewards, etc, so a lot of those cards will come for free if you’re willing to wait for them.


Id say grind out the free daily and weekly quests and save up your gold or else you’re looking at hundreds of dollars being spent. If you want to grind for free stick with cheaper faster aggro decks. You should make at least a couple thousand gold each expansion if not more like 5 to 6k gold.

Instead of focusing on getting all the cards focus on a class/deck you enjoy playing the most and expand from there.


probably “hundreds” to get from the old expansions but only if you dont buy from bundles

it should be possible to get most of all cards from a new expansion by getting the 60$ pre order and at least 60 packs with gold nd the dust from balance patch refunds

if you want to get cards from old expansions and have money to spend is better to wait for them to offer bundles

i think the best standard bundle is the one they add to the store when you reach the gold rank


Thank you very much for all the kind replies. The biggest problem I’ve seen so far is that legendary cards are so rare. I’ve already bought sets with ready-made legendary cards, I’m currently buying them in books from the 60’s, but there are really very few legendary cards, do you think this is normal? I think they should have changed the pricing from the old expansion to the new one so we would have saved some money :slight_smile:

quote=“CheezCurls-1230, post:2, topic:109461”]

first buy the Adventures and minisets


Good advice ^. Buying all the mini-sets first allows a player to get the maximum benefit out of the duplicate protection policy, since you won’t accidentally open cards from packs, which already exist in the mini-sets, if you already own the mini-sets. There are 8 mini-sets and The Path of Arthas set (a special DK set) all of which give great value in terms of cost per amount of cards obtained.

[Standard format - Hearthstone Wiki](

I believe all five of of the Wild adventures can be claimed for free from the online Blizzard store once a player has obtained Bronze Rank 10 on the ladder. I don’t know if just the first wing of the adventures are free or all the wings for each adventure is now free.

[Adventure - Hearthstone Wiki](

Yeah, this ^ is about right for me. I have around 3.9k gold now, and I should have around 5k gold saved up when Titans arrives.

I don’t know how often special Wild bundles appear in the shop these days. They once had a Wild Mega Bundle for $35, which gave 8 packs of each for most of the Wild expansions.

Bundle promotions are often among the best value deals when available. With the introduction of the Twist format, I would not be surprised to see more Wild oriented bundles or sales in the fall or during the Xmas season.

There are like 16 Wild expansions (plus 5 Wild adventures), so it’s more like thousands of dollars to obtain all the old cards, but realistically speaking, most of the old cards are not worth owning or buying, so it’s best to just get a foundation of Wild commons and rares from each Wild expansion, before focusing on crafting any missing epics and legendaries needed for a deck that you want to play.

To give some perspective, one source suggests that getting a complete set of many of the old expansions costs around $325 per expansion. The Classic set would be more, since it’s a very large set. The same source explains how about 60 percent of a Standard expansion can be obtained by F2P players who manage to complete each rewards track, leaving such players with mostly missing epics, but having all or nearly all legendaries.

I don’t know how far along your current collection is, but after getting the mini-sets and adventures, I would focus on obtaining a competitive Standard collection, and then the Wild expansions for whatever the current Twist meta requires. Twist formats will probably be slightly more balanced and fun to play than the Wild format, and at times Twist might be even more fun to play than Standard. The Twist format may help you to validate or dissuade your belief that a Wild collection is worth purchasing.

Some of the Twist decks in the shop may offer some the best purchase value behind mini-sets and bundle offers.

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Great info, thank you. By the way, I like Edwin a lot. Can I obtain Edwin hero somehow? I see tons of heros but I’m obsessed with Edwin :slight_smile: I remember I missed the chance it was in the shop? I’m not sure, it’s been a long time. I don’t get why they don’t sell it in shop.

Check the shop weekly. They rotate through the hero portraits that have been offered in the past. It may take a year but I think you’ll see him again.

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Why do you want to get all of the cards? Are you a beginner? What are your plans? Want to reach a higher rank in Standard or Wild? You should think about that first I think. You won’t play all the classes and modes anyway… right? Waiste of time and money. I rather suggest you to chose one or two to master which you like to play (important, don’t play a class just because it seems OP… play it because you like it). Then you won’t need to care about the rest and don’t need to spend all your money.

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I’m in the same boat of wanting to collect all the cards; it’s been my goal from the start. I’m f2p so I’ll never have all the cards at once but for any one card I can say “someday I’ll have that one” :smile: I just try to be as efficient as possible with the resources I have.

Some people are more interested in collecting than competing and want to have access to everything rather than be pigeonholed into just one format or just a few classes. I have seen people try to “main” a class in Hearthstone and it doesn’t work out because as soon as their class gets nerfed or the playstyle of it changes they can’t win at all anymore. Or they dust their rotated cards and suddenly Classic or Twist exists and they’re locked out. This game works better long-term if you keep all your options open so you can play whatever’s fun for you at the time.

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