How to make screenshot of hs replay games - clearing my name

Please help me clear my name i want to submit proof that was i indeed not botting i think the only way to do this besides getting an human response is if i can post my recent replays i did post a link but im unsure if it posted my games as it says my games.

So first off tell me if you can see my games in the link and if not what online program can i use to copy those images onto a link thank you

I was recently banned for botting i did not i am on a mission to clear my name i did not i would not go to all these lenghts if i was guilty please help me my friends :frowning:

Just click on a replay and copy paste the full address, the one which ends with a “gibberish” code every time (not what you just linked (that just goes to a general page for everyone[and it depends on their personal login])).

I just tried it with my replays and it works in a new anonymous tab (no login).

So do i have manually click all of them i wil do them but then they wont show whaty i rank i am how can i copy allt he images if i can show them how i dropped from d 8 to d10 this wil prove what ive been saying i weas tilted starting conceding turn and then i started to close the game to concede.

I am going through a lot of trouble to clear my name i didnt cheat i take this allegation personally i wil clear my name :confused:

They know your rank and everything. They record all games. You can even only say “the game I played at exactly date: … CET time:… etc.” though you can also just copy-paste a replay from there (the full address of the replay).

This whole ordeal has tapped me mentally i am sad that people here on these forums think im some cheater because they think blizzard cant make a mistake.

This is the problem with ai detectin system they cant realise hey why would this game play some games lose then suddenly he no longer plays and just concedes and then plays 1 game then goes afk it cant account for human emotions.

In any case i gues now i know never play tilted again and warn other users that alot of turn 1 concedes and alot of closing the game instead of concededing can get you banned though that would be a false positive

Im just mentaly drained and sad extremly sad :cry:i am innocent

But its there a way to cropy all the images and make a file ?

Not sure; it might depend on that third party site; I’m not very familiar with hsreplay.

But you really don’t require hsreplay. The Devs record all games and you can just tell them your account’s name/battletag and a match’ date and time (tell them if it’s local time or other format) or to make it clearer you can just copy paste one replay’s URL from hsreplay and tell them “and the other matches around that match”.

Ok here are two replays of me at rank 7 or 8

You canclearly start to see me get angry and tilted after each game and starting to concede alot earlier then usual

After some wins and losses i started to do this because i was losing and severly tilted
and started to do this

Somes id play a few turns and then concede anyway this was my last game before i was banned.

So because i afk close game i was considered a bot i reckon i was tilted i was not botting

Now do you believe you my friend all this happend wihtin the space of a few days