How to get rid of uneven gold totals

Heres how you get rid of it and it wil work eventually you basicaly want an arena run and then with the gold from the arena run u want either 50 or 100 gold il explain how u do it.

Here you go start an arena run the look at how much gold you have left.

You will need this table

So if you need for example have 15 gold you will need 35 gold ideally you want get 1 win and concede you rinse and repeat till you have 50 or 100 multiples i hope this helps

Ps the 35 gold is based off the bracket of wins u get for 1 win- from my the link i posted - which is 30 or 35 gold it might take time but i eventually you will do it.


Exactly how I did it. However, what I would like to know is how I can fix the random 1 that is in my achievement points. That I don’t understand. I have 30611 achievement points. When I hit 30000, that’s what I noticed it. I had 30001 points. Where did the random 1 come from. All the achievement points are 10 or 20 points. However, at the end of the day, meh.

Sorry cant help with that one maybe try reporting it as a bug on forums ?

Meh… lol. The gold thing use to annoy me. Then I was able to fix it with the arena run, the I unbalanced it again, and then I as like… meh. lol.

I decided not to let it bother me :slight_smile:

So I look at the 1 at the same way now. It just baffles me.

Mine is even now i plan on keeping it that way hopefully one day i can get to the point where it doesnt bother me :slight_smile:

The 1 at the end of your Achievement Points is from an achievement that involves Annoyotron. There are two of them: one gives 1 point (die to Annoyotron) and the other gives 9 (destroy the enemy hero with Annoyotron) so you have to get them both to stop being annoyed :upside_down_face:

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