How to get more wild cards?

there’s more there and fun. but man i go copy a deck code because it looks fun… just to realize i got 2/30 cards only. buy packs with gold? i don’t even see most expansions on the list.

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A Start crafting.


B buy 90% of the expansions for last half dozen years.

Note you can build quite competitive decks by just playing the current standard decks as the current level of cards is quite OP. ie a taunt warrior can drop a card for 4 mana that is similar to a card from 5 years back that costs 5 or 6 mana.

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Last time I checked all expansions had their packs available

If you really want to buy packs for wild expansions, buy them one by one until you get your first legendary of each expansion.
You’re guaranteed one legendary within your first 10 packs of any expansion

Note that some cards are not obtained in packs but in adventures that you have to buy and complete playing

There’s also a free legendary in the first free mission of the Knights of the Frozen Throne adventure mode


In your collection manager you can select which collection is displayed. It defaults to standard, but you can select wild.

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