How to get better in HS Battlegrounds?

I keep struggling in this mode, I have like almost 180 hours played my rank is still really low, I lost 600 points today, now its 5802.
I don’t think i understand how to play it still. What should I do to get better?

This would have been such a meme back in the day. But watch Kripp, or at least someone like him, dog savj rdu bebe, they all do a good job of walking through how to make plays correctly. Dog had a good one on how to play yogg yesterday with a couple pointers i picked up alone.

Your rating is fairly high for what i had in mind, but if you think you lack fundamental understanding, then i might be able to help. I offered some help for just that a few days ago, if you’re interested check it out here Offering Battlegrounds help to beginners (too lazy to rewrite all that).

I think watching high level players as suggested is a great alternative, but if your time is spend well can be very hit or miss. For one as they may not explain their plays(or not in a way that helps), and on the other hand as you may missinterpret plays, which could harm more than anything. This gets only worse if you lack basics. Still, i think that’s a good choice too as long as you don’t sabotage yourself, and find someone who explains turns properly.

Aim to get better stats everyturn. Sometimes taking that 5/4 that buffs demons is the right play even with 0 demons just to have a 5/4. Dont spend too much time on tier 4 it sux. Token minion on turn 1 is huge so you can buy two minions later on tier 2 with 5gold. Dont play too greedy. Get upgrades of minions. Upgrade that tavern unless you are going for saurolisk / wrathweaver strategy. Once you are on higher tier then an overall strategy needs to come together fast or you in trouble. Ie are you going mechs or dragons or deathrattle, ect.

General tav early upgrade schedule:
3g Buy token guy
4g Upgrade
5g Buy two guys with token you bought on t1
6g Buy two guys
7g Upgrade

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Depends on what particular roadblock you’re facing.
It could be you need more game knowledge on what comps are viable to lean into for the endgame, which units enable what, or it could be your turn-by-turn execution.

Fixing the latter is pretty easy, read some guides or have someone really good coach you through a game if possible so you learn level pacing, when to hold for triples, etc.

This is a very good guide:

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As for knowing what endgame comps look like, do some research but be aware that there are some…questionable guides out there.

Now I’ll vomit some miscellaneous tips at you:

-Cleave is VERY strong, if you can get a cleave unit early enough to make sense, feed it as many buffs as you can. You can honestly get carried to third or fourth place with nothing strong going on in your comp but a big cleave dude. Even buffing a Hyrda with Houndmaster is reasonable. It’s not great for it to be taunted, but hey at least Strongshell exists.

-If you get a Kalecgos and some dragons, you just take every unit that says “battlecry” on it. Don’t worry about the battlecry actually doing anything, Kalecgos buffs are enough.

-Spawn of N’zoth is overpowered, take it when you can until, say tier 4. EXCEPTION: Spawn doesn’t do much for Deathwing. It just doesn’t help you trade much better.

  • If you’re building around Deflecto Bot, at first, getting its attack up is more important than getting maximum shield re-ups. For example, if I have a deflecto bot at base stats and a kaboom bot, and I see Replicating Menace, I’m putting Menace on Deflecto, NOT on Kaboom bot. Sure, giving it to kaboom might re-up the shield, but +3 attack for deflecto is what will make those shield re-ups mean something should I choose to build that way on future turns.


Did they level this turn? If so they probably didn’t get significantly stronger so maybe you can get away with levelling too (same if it’s a dead guy).

Looking at what they’re running might also tell you whether or not to freeze for Murozond.

Transitioning; Knowing when/if/how to do it. Keep an eye on what others are playing and don’t be afraid to dump the board if you can build a better comp with a quick transition.

People have mentioned the streamers to watch. Avoid the memes if you want to rank up.

I can honestly recommend watching Shadybunny, he explains what he’s doing on every turn.

you can not get better in bg, you just pray to the rng god and see if rng goes your way.

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