How to fix Twist: Mini-sets

When Twist started up, Blizzard released a full “straight to wild” expansion. Buying a full expansion that will last 3 months doesn’t make sense. IMO, that is why twist failed.

With its re-launch set for next month, how could we avoid this happening again?

Every set from Darkmoon Faire onwards has a mini-set. Every set before that does not.

Every 2 or 3 months, you could release a mini set for one of the sets featured in Twist. I think that buying a mini set is a reasonable investment to play the mode, but buying a full expansion is not.

Players would be able to buy the complete mini-set, (for the same price as standard minisets) and/or they would be able to buy packs from the relevant expansion. Mini-sets in Twist would work in exactly the same way as other mini-sets.

The first Twist miniset should have been for the WOTOG set, and included new cards that support C’Thun and other Old Gods.

A further miniset could have been released later featuring support for Gadgetzan, including (obviously) support for Jade Golems.

There are enough new cards in Caverns of Time for two minisets: I suggest that the Caverns of Time set should be broken up, and the new cards from that set would become part of the original WOTOG and MSOG sets. Its also odd that the same card can exist in 2 separate collectible sets, so all Caverns of Time reprints would be moved to the relevant sets, and the CoT watermark on cards would be replaced with the original watermark.

And of course, buffing old cards is fine. But they don’t need to be part of a new set.

BTW, I’m very disappointed to see duels is to be removed from Hearthstone. I would hope this decision can be reconsidered. After all, Twist was “paused” rather than scrapped, meaning it is getting a second chance, which I hope will work out better.

I also hope that duels can be saved, or successfully relaunched.


Miniset would cost money doh… What if they gave twist just one or max two expansions + core set. From the chosen expansion all the common, rare and epic cards are available for the duration of the twist season. So people can craft decks and have fun without spending extra money?

Why not the legendaries? You can’t piss off the whale players. You have to give them something.

EDIT: I mean available in twist mode only. Not wild ofc or anywhere else.

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Why does this need to involve Twist? Couldn’t Blizzard just release more straight to wild mini-sets?

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I think a good start would be keep the mode open for playing before adding anything else

Honestly, I’m guessing this will go the Duels route within the year

That’s the point. I suspect Twist is failing because they can’t effectively monetize it. I’m trying to suggest a way to monetize twist while making sure it offers value to players.

Buying a full expansion which would only be valid in twist for 3 months is very bad value, and players didn’t go for it. But buying a complete miniset for 2000 gold or cash (at the regular price) would be a much more reasonable investment, IMO.

Also, if the future of Twist is in doubt, players will be reluctant to invest in it. A long term plan for twist would involve releasing a new miniset every 3 months or so, and introducing that set into the format at that time. It also allows for rule changes (using the same sets) every season.

I’d written this post before I saw the announcement of the rules for the new twist season. Obviously having a “commons only” rule is great. I’m certainly not expecting to see a different miniset every month (and I wouldn’t want to), so having rules on deckbuilding is a great way to create a fresh format without introducing new cards. Of course, that format is unlikely to bring in any money… some monthly formats would include new cards (which cost gold/money) and other formats would not. Like I said, one miniset every 3 months would work fine for me.

Of course, releasing a miniset and then telling players they can’t use the legendaries from that set the following month isn’t a good look, so its not like you can just alternate the two. But the idea is that sometimes there would be new cards available, and sometimes not. But if the format is to change on a monthly basis, you can’t add completely new cards every time that happens.

They could do that, but the idea is that the minisets would support Twist format. The whole idea of the “straight to wild” expansion was about supporting Twist mode, NOT wild.

The use of the term “straight to wild” was, IMO, disingenuous. The cards were designed for Twist format. Obviously they also had to be usable in wild, but they weren’t designed to shape the format. They were developed for twist format, and any impact on wild format was of secondary importance.

I would totally agree. But if they can’t monetize the mode, why would they keep it open?

Why do you think Duels is being removed from Hearthstone? IMO, its all down to the lack of monetization. Running Twist format without monetization would, IMO, mean that going the “duels route” becomes inevitable.

Of course, if Blizzard want players to spend money on Twist, there needs to be a long term plan for it, and players need to be confident their investment will not become worthless.

Its very sad to see Duels being abandoned, as it does bode badly for other modes if they cannot be monetized.

Mercenaries has stayed because of two things:
1 - It is a static format, because new cards will not be added. Therefore it doesn’t require updates, and won’t get them.

2 - Closure of the mode would make collectible items completely worthless, and players would rightly expect compensation for this. Blizzard won’t do that. This also applies to Wild format, and is probably the only reason Wild format still exists.

These two considerations do not apply to Duels or Twist. All collectibles for the formats can be used in Wild. Duels needs to be updated EVERY TIME a new set is released, and while Twist does not automatically include newly released cards, it is by definition a changing format, so it needs regular updates.

So… my thinking is that if Twist cannot be successfully monetized, it will go “the way of duels”. I’m hoping that can be avoided. The BG battlepass is “affordable” (although it would be more affordable if you could buy it with gold), so I’m trying to find an “affordable” solution for Twist.

BTW, I also play Duels, and I’m very sad to see it go. I hope it can be saved, or even relaunched.

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