How to complete apprenticeship - Please help

I have found Murloc Shaman to be a cost-effective option that still does very well in Diamond rank. (

This is the full decklist, with just 1 legendary, and only commons and rares.


Class: Shaman

Format: Standard

Year of the Gryphon

2x (0) Lightning Bloom

2x (0) Murloc Tinyfin

2x (1) Murloc Tidecaller

2x (1) Spawnpool Forager

1x (2) Cagematch Custodian

2x (2) Crabrider

1x (2) Firemancer Flurgl

2x (2) Lushwater Murcenary

2x (2) Lushwater Scout

2x (2) Murloc Tidehunter

2x (2) South Coast Chieftain

2x (3) Coldlight Seer

2x (3) Nofin Can Stop Us

2x (3) Voracious Reader

2x (3) Whack-A-Gnoll Hammer

2x (4) Felfin Navigator


To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone

I would replace Firemancer Flurgl with a second Cagematch Custodian, Prize Vendor or Rockbiter Weapon, but I have not tested it out.

The Core Set provides you with 4 rare and 4 commons already, saving you 560 dust. The total cost, if you’re missing all the cards is 2800 dust, only 1200 dust if you replace Flurgl with a cheap card.

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