How to balance DH hero power

You’ve presented 1% of the potential arguments. If you want to present a complete and thorough argument without bias, I’ll give you a complete and thorough response. Until then, better luck next time

You didn’t do it either

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This class won’t be balanced for years, it will go from mindlessly OP (launch) to worst tier (after more nerfs) over and over again. They have been nerfed three times in under 2 months, it shows how poorly this whole class was developed.

Not a lot room for debate.

I actually think we should be thinking about how to buff DH now
Had a funny game with one today… his early game was going so well… mass low cost high damage minions wide broad spread… got me down to half life… but I kept value trading and removing them one after the other… until finally I had a bigger board presence (because of course my minions have much more HP then his) and then he rage quit lol pretty much as soon as he got me down to 15 HP and had lost his board doing so… was funny… they suuuuuuuuuuuck! You just gotta know how to play against them… but yeah funny game… lol

Make it a 1 mana +2 attack BUT can only attack minions when used.

We now have Balance in the meta.

I think it would be great if all the hero powers were made to be 2 (balance it however you want for DH) just because I want to make a even Genn DH deck

What is the reason for so much obsession with a class that does not have the best decks in any of the formats, it is not the best deck in standard, the best decks are tempo warrior and galakron rogue and not are tier 1 deck in wild the best deck is quest mage… No understand in both formats are many counters to DH, what is the problem?

Probably because it’s frustrating to lose to. It’s annoying to perfectly answer their Satyr Overseers and such, but you die anyway because they just smorc you and use Glaivebound Adepts and Illidari Felblades to safely remove anything you put in their way.

It doesn’t help that there’s not really any other type of Demon Hunter deck, like Big Demons.

If we had a big demon dh ppl will complain games are to long as they do with priest.

I don’t know, it would be fun to see Pit Commander in games.