How the heck is this a thing ... Blizzard?! :person_facepalming:

I mean … I know your math is not how it used to be ( see D4 extravaganza ) but LESS is not equal to … = or less.

How this has managed to get pass the Q/A and release it its beyond me.

You are so …so bad Blizzard.

If it wasn’t for WoW Classic(s) - I would instantly stop playing your games.

I can’t tell based on the screenshot what happened. Also I don’t know how the card works in the case of cards costing the same. Based on the wording I would expect neither card to be destroyed.

We both drawn a 2 cost card … and mine got destroyed ( the secret ).


But its Blizzard. Everything is possible … :man_facepalming:

  • [Added 11/13] [Hearthstone] High Noon Duelist is a bit trigger happy and is destroying cards even if the DRAW is a tie.

Found this on the known issues post. Looks like they’re working on it. So you can chill out a little.

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I am chill …

…just not when its about Blizzard. That card could of change the game.

And hey! That was add like …16 days ago. Spell that for me please.

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So you’re not
So you can chill out

I bet you never saw bug reports in other games where actual bugs are acknowledged for years yet never fixed

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Like Missingno? lol.

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Feels like you came here just to be angry at Blizzard for -insert reason here-

I’m not a fan of the company atm either, but you are definitely not chill

Anyone that says they are chill, and then immediately makes an exception to permit themselve’s to still not be chill, is just in denial of their non chillness.

Its manbearpig all over again.

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