How Strong Does

How Strong Does Chillwind Yeti need to be to see play? Lets call it a new card called Summerwind Yeti. How strong does it need to be? Would a 3 mana 4/5 and no text see play? Or would it need to be a 2 mana 4/5, does it see play then? How much would Chillwind Yeti need to be powercrept before it’s included in some decks?

Slap a card effect on it (charge? inb4 someone gets amgery at me for suggesting charge), also maybe make it beast tribe.

Give it spell damage +2 and I’ll run it in a Zarek’s Cloning Gallery otk priest deck

if its a summer themed yeti then it should be brown in color… so I’d suggest making it more of a Chewbacca reference and so make it synergize with Mechs and deal some enrage mechanic damage. Because its not wise to upset a Yeti. I heard they rip people’s arms off.


I appreciate all the suggestions but I am really asking how strong does a card with NO effect whatsoever have to be in order to be played in some decks these days? Would a 3 mana 4/5 No Text see play? Or would that still be too weak?

3 mana 4/5 would not see play.

2 mana 4/5 would.

3 mana do nothing no effect no keyword would need to be a 5/6 to see play.

It’s either this, or even this wouldn’t be enough stats

I am not confident 3 mana 5/6 would be enough

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the 3 mana 5/6 would see play in some aggro decks, but not likely in other decks.

I do know that when this comes on board from Warlock that it’s a nightmare to deal with that early because you don’t have minions with enough attack or spells to kill it so you are almost certainly going to take 5 damage.

Epic · Minion · Whizbang

We already know a 4 mana 6/5 doesn’t see play. Worgen Greaser got hit with that buff and that was back in Twist era and still saw no play.

3 mana 5/6 is like the BARE MINIMUM to see some play.

So is it then fair to say we are a full 2 mana worth of power creep in general/as a baseline? This is why I chose Yeti as a no text 4 mana 4/5 was played often 10 years ago, it’s a good general card/baseline to look at. But if it would take a 2 mana 4/5 no text to see any sort of play, then that means we are 2 full mana worth of power creep (which is sorta incredible in more ways than one)

As you get closer to 1 mana, the less power creep worth of mana we have become.

So at 1 mana, we aren’t a full 2 mana worth of power creep ahead.
At 2, we are close to 1 mana ahead.
Maybe at 3 we are 1.5 ahead.

As far as 4 mana cost stuff goes, yeah, we’re probably 2 ahead there on some cards.

I think the only reason Malefic Rook saw play is because, in the context of the deck, it’s a 5/6 for 3 mana with an upside.

Yes, but my point was the stats on the board from it matter and you can feel the effect of that stat on turn 2/3. The upside is a plus.

If someone is playing a 3 mana 4/5 I can likely deal with it on turn 3 with something. But the 5/6 is a problem because not many spells can deal with that.

Very similar to how Rogue was dropping a 4/5 on turn 2 was an issue and practically broke the meta. That 5/6 hurts on turn 2/3.

Back in the day, that would have been 15 damage to your face because it would take you until turn 5 for most classes to deal with it. Nowadays that’s just a guaranteed 5 to the face for your opponent. I think some aggro would run it just for the nearly guaranteed 5 damage.

Common · Minion · Perils in Paradise · Whenever this minion takes damage, also deal that amount to your hero.

This guy only sees a small amount of play in a few zarimi priest lists and a couple demon hunter lists that opt for the pain package. He has a ton of stats for the cost and still isn’t widely used. So a vanilla 4/5 would have to be 2 mana nowadays to see play. A 3 mana 4/5 isn’t gonna get much attention.

I would guess for textless minions:

1 mana: 3/3
2 mana: 5/4
3 mana: 6/6
These are the thresholds between unplayable and moderate play.

Beyond that, the stat increases would need to scale much more sharply.
By 10 mana, even an 100/100 minion would probably not see play, as at that point, the only difference between it and a 1/1 minion would be the need to remove it.

A 4-Attack minion isn’t threatening enough in today’s game to be strong at 3 mana; I would guess the same for 2 mana. So, by that point, you’d need to increment its health to ridiculous amounts, like making it a 3 mana 4/10 or a 2 mana 4/6.

Challenge accepted.

3 Mana spell. Summon a Chillwind Yet at the start of your turn. Repeat for 3 round.

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Hmm okay, wow thanks everyone. Last question…will they ever print some of these cards with “good stats” and no text again? They were my favorite

all they need to do is slap discover on it and it sees play.

They probably will, complete with the usual “quirky” flavor text referencing days long gone, only to be buried in the collection tab, never to see play again.

Challenge accepted.

3 Mana spell. Summon a Chillwind Yet at the start of your turn. Repeat for 3 round.

This isn’t a 3 mana 4/5 though. it’s 3 4/5’s for 3 mana over 3 turns. There’s a drastic difference here. The card you suggested absolutely sees play. It would be a mandatory include in every list that could run it. You’re comparing a 3 mana 4/5 with a 3 mana 12/15 spread across 3 bodies. That’s not at all what this thread was about.

Aww, I hope so! Well, at least one person would play them, lol. I think it’s a great archetype to have “good stats, no text” especially if they’re powerful enough to stand against “normal stats, with text”. I loved just throwing minions like Chillwind Yeti out there and being like “oh yeah? Now what?!”