How nobody is complaining about demon hunter is beyond me

Basicly there tier list is off d5 and above. Its like they use plat and bellow data for the majority of there stuff.

Also i love how these forums love to put words in my mouth and missconstrue what im saying. Maybe its me that needs to be more clear. I thought I was. If not my bad.

Basicly why is nobody conplaining about DH? Is it because its less played? If i could be honest here it seems to be rising in play rate in the last week. Heck I could be speaking too soon.

Im a complaining saying its op, am I saying omg plz nerf? No.

Im just recognizing that its it has some valid and strong competitive decks and woundering why nobody is complaining about it. Nothing but my own opinion belives it is stronger than decks complained about. I showed data that i used to show why other classes were doing better than paladin from has replay and the same data I showed showing paladin was weeker than the majority of other classes which im not even trying to seriouly argue using that data.