How much have u spent on HS this year? And did it help you?

True randomness feels like it’s “trolling” you because it’s very rarely just the average. Most people have the delusion true randomness is something very reasonable that always reminds of the average thing that can happen.

Nope; true randomness is losing 8 times in a row by the same stupid counter that gives no chance to your deck; true randomness is winning 8 times in a row against the same deck you counter making you feel Pro-like.

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Eh. Honestly I’m just waxing philosophic for the sake of it. My honest opinion on the matter is that it isn’t rigged, for whatever that is worth. Though, I also think blizz of today is NOT the blizz of yester-year. I don’t hold much faith in their programming department, though I can’t quite make up my mind if that’s due to incompetent coders or restrictive environments. Might could be both.

prove it

:money_with_wings: :moneybag: :crying_cat_face:

It doesn’t force a 50% winrate, that happens all by itself.

a lot of money. did it help me? i still win and lose games. i got to legend for the first time this year, but i spent a lot of money every year on hearthstone since it was released, so it’s not that. it helps me build any deck i theoretically desire even though i rarely delete and make new decks.

Zero dollars. And zero the year before that.

I’m fully f2p. Crafting a legendary is a rare thing for me.

The earliest I’ve ever otk or otked by my opponent is turn 4 and that was pillager rogue high roll in top hundred legend in wild. And basically never happened any where else.

Turn 5 otk is also very rare, probably seen it a handful of times. Turn 6otk is pretty common, etc.

i got turn 4 otked by dorian druid i think it was turn 4 at least recently. i think i’ve lost on turn 3 to pirate rogue or something but that was not an otk.