How many players hit Legend each month by server

I came across this article, which contains data from 2024:

Anyone know why Asia has about 3 times as many Legend players each month than the Americas or EU does?

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If you are 10 people and 3 go legend, if you are 100 30 will go.

(PS It figurative (it won’t happen exactly that way but close))

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Culture. Asians tend to be more competitive/invested when it comes to gaming.
or bots.
Pick your poison.

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When the China server was a thing, they had more Hearthstone players than the rest of the world combined in all formats. Hearthstone is primarily a Chinese game. If you are reading this in English right now, you are NOT the core demographic.


It’s not always like this

It is most of the time, but not always

For starters, there’s more Asians than all of Europe and America combined

Furthermore, it was considered (for a while, at least) to be the easiest server to rank well on, probably because of bots, so many competitive players choose to go all in on Asia server to qualify for MT during qualification seasons (February-March, June-July)

When it’s not a qualification season, sometimes the opposite is true, and most Asians play on EU or NA because that’s where the competitive scene usually is, to play against the best players in the world, which is why the stat you found isn’t always true


So it never crossed your mind they might just be more.

It’s both. They have a higher raw count of human players AND they have a higher bot to human ratio. So both more humans than the rest of the world combined AND more bots than the rest of the world combined.

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Nope, because its a misnomer.

the AP region is, historically, the worst performing region despite their population benefit.

It stands to reason. Asians love their vidya games (China, South Kore and Japan have both strong industries and playerbases) and their have the raw people counts so it is not a bit surprising that Asia region would have comparable or even greater number of legend players than NA and EU.

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Just to clarify, when the China server existed, the Asia server also existed separately, and the China server still had more Legend players than the rest of the world combined. I am not saying that Hearthstone is a primarily Asian game, I am saying Hearthstone is a primarily Chinese game.

Worst performing at what?

It’s definitely true they’ve been performing better in most video games, especially those requiring fast reactions and good eye

They’re just genetically predisposed to such things, and I suspect their language is better equipped to deal with fast communication

But in HS, that advantage is meaningless and at least to me it seems we’re kinda equal

They’re good and can occupy a decent number of top ranks on EU, for example, but they rarely take number 1. We’re not quite ready to give that up

But then again, what do you do with players like Ouikyou, who are obviously Asian, but were born and raised in Canada or USA and play for those countries?

So yeah, I wouldn’t make a difference between us and them in this game at all

You misunderstand the basic math of the ladder of this game. If everyone is worse players, you’d go Legend easier and the number of Legend players wouldn’t change much.

The current ladder system made the legend climb easier the worse you are at the game.

You never need to queue into anyone above your skill level to get there. You just need to go +16 wins over the month once you get to D5, and your opponents don’t need to actually get harder or better ranked through that entire process now that MMR is the only matchmaking consideration.

Wut. If you lose every other game, you’re not progressing even with 1000 wins.

You can actually climb with a sub 50% overall win rate before D5 thanks to win streak bonuses and potentially star bonuses from previous months.

It’ll take a long time, but you can now reach legend with an overall losing record.

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That’s not true

If everyone is worse, they are less consistent and have lower winrates. Once they hit Legend, they can’t drop out of it, but they can lose more to Diamonds than on other servers, which will gradually increase the number of legend players above the one on other servers.

I’m afraid this time it’s you who misunderstood the math of the ladder xD

Did I say “every other game” or not? I was talking about win streaks in this forum months ago.

Wut. Explain how you will lose to Diamonds more if the others are worse.

Cuz about 3x more people grinded to legend while using the Asia server.