How many players hit Legend each month by server

Less consistency, lower winrate

People highroll to Legend and can’t drop out, then proceed to lose games so much they start playing against diamonds, losing more than the worst Legend loses in EU or NA, which artificially increases Diamond’s winrate so more of them hit Legend

You don’t even have to know the dynamics behind the fact, but it’s a fact, considering that all-time highest amount of legendary players on any servers was on Asia when it was full of bots xD

You overthink it when it’s simple. Given the same skill of a player: if they switch region to a region with worse players: they will rank faster.

And given an average skill of a region A giving X percentage of people ranking: if they raise average skill to B: they’d still rank similarly.

That’s how it works in top ranks

But in dumpster legend, anything that played enough games will eventually get there, which unfortunately includes bots due to chance

And when that happens, you know you’re gonna have many bad players hit legend who wouldn’t be able to do that on other server.

That’s a side subject and almost off topic. It’s more related to win streaks contaminating the competition (edit: or rather rank floors help at that the most). A bad player with only 20% win rate (it doesn’t have to be a bot) WILL rank given playing 24/7 because they will likely have at least one big win streak out of random chance (up to Legend).

It’s a completely different world here especially in regards to gaming. That’s about the best way i can describe it. You need to live here for some time as an outsider to experience it.

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Even the bots are more difficult to defeat sometimes than actual people are. So it stands to reason their sheer numbers plus the number of bots involved that more reach legend than any other server.

I was about to say no but there might be an exception or at least an exception under conditions. Blizzard appeared to be using a bot of mechs (I was seeing it a lot on the lowest ranks of Wild when I was doing achievements there); that one is a very aggressive deck; if you left it alone it would kill before round 6 or 7 relatively easily.

A slower deck from the player might lose to a bot like that; it might need only 3-4 bad draws while the bot might get lucky (or systemically lucky if it’s from Blizzard); so I can imagine a dumb fast deck which isn’t hard to program could go Legend given it plays 24/7 (and rank floors and win streaks easily would help that).

Ive been hard stuck at Silver 5 the last few days. and I dont know how many bots I faced but if they are anything like the AI they utilize in SC/SC2/wc3/overwatch, then I know they are more advanced and skilled than I ever can be.