How many Legendaries did you get in your Pre Order

It’s that time again when those of us who have purchased the pre orders and won bundles can open up our packs early! This is one of my favorite times of an expansion. I love pre openings because it builds that level of excitement and anticipation that is just around the corner!:slight_smile:

I will update this post to include what I got.

13 Legendaries - 0 Signature cards. 3 of the legendaries were Golden. That was opening 157 packs.


I don’t give this company any money anymore, so, no pre orders. Enjoy.


Just bought the large bundle, so had 86 packs to open. In the 10 golden packs, I got 1 legendary, and in the 76 regular packs I opened 9 more. I got both DK legendaries, was excited for Rainbow DK anyway, so I hope it’s at least playable. Also excited to try the Hunter and Warrior legendary spells I got.


I also opened my packs (1x big preorder). Got 8 legendaries and 3 of them in gold:

Rhythm and Roots
Blackrock n Roll
Mister Mukla

Will open like 80 more packs from gold and my 9 standard packs from tavern brawl. I hope for at least one signutare legendary, but it is not the end of the world if this fails


Never spent money in Hearthstone so no massive deck opening for me
I’ve got 2000g tho, I’ll open 20 decks or so on release

2 golden and 1 from the first 10 packs for sure, beyond that, i dont know yet

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only 9 normal legendaries and 1 golden and 1 signature legendary. i bought both bundles. think i got pretty bad luck i guess but oh well.

Which Signature card did you get?

The One-Amalgam Band. I do like playing dumb menagerie decks so this was probably a great legendary for me to get although it probably still won’t make me win a lot more.

lol at the flavor text: “Why be great at one instrument when you can be terrible at ALL of them?” that suits my deck building just fine lol.


Worst turnout of card opening I’ve had in 9 years. 6 legendaries after buying both pre-orders. Only golden legendary I got was from the 10 golden packs they give you from the pre-order.

Better be a bug or I’ll be done putting money into this game.

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Haven’t opened mine yet, but one card I remember from a previous expansion became my favorite, even tho it isn’t legendary. I wish it was.

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Quote my post from another thread


Pulled Golden Pally leggo spell and I think like seven others. No matter, tho. Gonna be dusting all exps going to wild and have about 62 packs in gold once it goes live, so I’ll be able to play any deck.

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Got 5 from Mega Bundle.

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