How Many Legendaries did you get in your packs?

Once again it’s that time. How many legendaires did you get.

I pre ordered a Mega, won a standard bundle so I will update once we are able to open our packs! :slight_smile:

Happy Pack opening to all :slight_smile:

I opened both bundles, I also had 17 standard packs that I had saved up from the course of last expansion along with 4 golden standard packs…

uhmmmm I think I did pretty good this time around as I ended up getting 18 legendaries.
Makes up for last expansion where I only got 7 from both bundles.


This is the first time in a while that I haven’t pre-ordered anything. On the one hand, saved some money by curbing my impulses, but on the other hand I want to support expansions like this one over “problematically powerful” sets like TITANS. Ah, well. I have tens of thousands of dust and thousands of gold set aside so I can probably stitch together a deck or two.

Still looking forward to what other people open up. I’ll cross my fingers for the upcoming DK decks (Plague Excavate and Rainbow Excavate) since the class desperately needs something other than Triple Blood and Triple Unholy. Also wouldn’t dislike getting some of the Naga DH cards since that’s my next target for 1000 wins.


Congratulations! That’s really cool for you!

Tell everyone where you got it so their ad dollars weren’t in vain! Ha.

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Lol, someone sounds bitter.


I’m a bit sad you think my congratulations was other than genuine.

I’m legit happy for you.

I was just saying you could say where you won it because that promotional value is why it was awarded is all. But if you don’t want to, that’s fine.

Again, I’m legit happy you won a bundle, that’s great! Congratulations.

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I, on the other hand, really don’t care if he won a bundle.

Yes, it came across as genuine, but not in a kind way. Just saying, However, I apolgoize if I did misunderstood your intent and I do thank you.


Thank you for taking the time to share your displeasure.

Well, sorry about that. It was meant in a kind way. I’m glad you got it.


I wouldn’t say it’s a displeasure.

More like I feel nothing.

This thread is kind of bad taste.

… being excited about new cards on a forum about a card game is “bad taste” to you?

I mean, this thread is what this place is supposed to be more of, not less of. I would rather have ten of these on the first page than ever see one of scrotie’s made up statistic posts ever again.

This thread is going to be fun in a couple hours when people start opening shiny things.

Are you mad because you don’t have shiny things?

IDK, Maybe Grampa Joe will give you his pipe money so you can buy a scrumdillyumptious bar and find a golden ticket, too, Charlie Buckets.


So while you state you feel nothing, you felt the need to try and derail the thread becauase you don’t share the same enthusiasm that other players do.


Not really, I think making a thread hours in advance when the expansion hasn’t even launched yet is in bad taste.

You could’ve been a good boy and waited a few hours and then made the thread.

And speaking of derailing… that’s exactly what you did with Ghost claiming he was ‘‘bitter’’

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Hey! What if I told you I have both the pre-orders and will also be opening the golden bundles once they come out ? You’ll be ‘‘So happy for me’’ a stranger, right ?!

Also idk why anyone should even try to argue anything with you, every time you are proven wrong you just disappear… like a ghost. Without even acknowledging anything. I guess that name suits you well… hehe

I acknowledge that you are talking out your backside, being intentionally mean to people, and generally being a troll in this thread. You did prove that, afterall, so good on you.

It’s okay that you’re so jaded, but you don’t have to attack people who aren’t.

Meh, just leave them be if they want to be a jerk. I get the excitement and it’s nice to have some positive energy instead of crying about overpowered this or devs hate mage that, etc.


You were proven wrong twice recently, when you claimed Renathal was meta in wild and that Infinitize was a bad arena card. Don’t you think I forgot.

And of course, in both instances, you just completely disappeared, lol. That’s why I can’t really trust you anymore.

Also I am not attacking OP. I’m just sharing my thoughts, which diverge from yours. I think making an early thread is in bad taste. Not sorry for sharing my thoughts without sugar coating, that’s how I operate.

Hate me or love me.

I did not claim this. I said it was the most popular card in the format, which is accurate and backed by data. You said it wasn’t played, I said it’s clearly played.

YOU said it wasn’t meta, I didn’t care and still don’t.

The card is over played relative to power in every constructed format where you can use it.

There wasn’t anything else to say to you because you were so blinded by your own shining light, so I stopped caring.

You mean you don’t realize that you are, because you are. ’

No, you’re good - everyone is welcome to be wrong loudly and boldly here, so you keep doing it!

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You asked the question before being able to open packs which is mildly annoying.


(Genuine question) Are hearthside tavern early-access openings still a thing? I did that every time I pre-ordered. In which case you can talk about your cards, even if they aren’t playable yet.

That’s one way to legitimize the OP if it’s required. But frankly Blizzard has been discontinuing loads of things in the last year so I can’t keep track.

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Sadly Blizzard decided to take away the option to open packs early.


Yeah I thought so. Must’ve been after TITANS because I think I opened my preorder early for that expansion.

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