How is this possible and why would blizz create this?

Explain how a developer would think this is a good idea if it is real.
If not… is it a known hack?
On turn 3 the roge I was fighting had the entire board covered.

Three 8/8 cards. A 3/3 card. A 1/3 card. A 1/2 card. And a 3/5 card.
32 damage.
So how did the roge do it and if it is real… How do you defend yourself against it?
What card do I need in my deck to beat this?


You’re being silly. There is nowhere near enough info in your post for someone to understand what you are talking about. There are multiple very good rogue decks in wild right now. Almost nothing is able to beat them, though egg hunter is on the same level right now

Current Tempostorm if you are curious:

I wanted to do this achievement once it was like play a whole bunch of cards or something so I made a roge decj with only 0 cost cards and all the Draw and of course Edwin Vancleef well because of prep and coins and gear shifts and snowflippers and wisps and everything I made like a 22/22 on turn 1 Now this is a tale as old as Classic Hearthstone but it was never as easy or possible as it is now, I’m surprised more people don’t just do this. By the way I got the achievement first try, and won easily, because of what rouge can do

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I took a screenshot of the event I described.
I don’t know what site I can post it on to link it here.
So people can see this unbeatable arrangement on turn 3.

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We might be able to answer that…

If you said the actual cards they played.

Presumably, all those minions didn’t just pop out of thin air.

Presumably, the rogue played some cards to get all those minions.

What cards did they play?

If you do a collection search in Rougeu and click crafting and you can see the cards rogu can play

It’s gaslight (giant) rogue, highrolling

Usually giants come turn 4-5 but 3 happens from time to time

Ofc, rogue had to go 2nd ( she needs a coin to play gaslight on 3)

I guess turn 1 gear shift into turn 2 quick pick or prep 4 mana spell which draws and kills a minion, into turn 3 gaslight into 2 giants and Everything must go

I still don’t see how she could have had 3 giants on turn 3. It’s actually impossible. She had 2, or it was turn 4

EDIT: Nevermind, prep + breakdancer does the trick (3td giant)


Which does not answer the question

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What was the question that my response does not answer?

The one you quoted ?
“What cards did they play ?”
Knowing all the available cards in the collection does not answer the question of which specific ones their opponent played.

But it does answer the question? It’s all right there, as I said. There are many cards rouges can play

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“There are the 1500 cards rogue can play” does not answer the question “What cards did that specific player play ?”

If someone asks you where you parked your car, you don’t answer “look at a plan of the city, there are all the parking spots where my car could be parked”

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He’s just trolling you Derkan. You can’t take his words with any seriousness

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Sure I can. It helps if they know the general area location first though. I have long since forgotten what this thread was even about, so I have no idea what we are even talking about. So why don’t you tell me what cards we are specifically talking about cause idk

Those are genius level IQ answers and from your reaction I see you (as well as me) are NOT at that level. You (and me) are not supposed to understand or even appreciate the cleverness and nuance of his answer.
Too complicated, just move on.

For reference:

You may moketh me but not one person here answered my question.
Why would a game developer think being able to have the entire board covered with 32 damage on turn 3 is a good idea.
Wouldn’t someone at a meeting say: “I really don’t think that would be fun for players because it is an auto lose for the other player with no game play, they might rage-quit the game, why would we want to make an auto win like that?”
Then the other developers would look at the guy who came up with it and say…“you need to take a few days off, “I win” scenarios and cards are not fun game play because there is no game play.”
Then the top developer would say to the person who just said that; “You are right and know how to make good games, we are giving you a raise and making you project lead.”

Sounds like a fun deck to play to me

When is everyone going to learn to stop playing constructed…I was trying my best to finish a quest with draw 30 cards, but I just cannot everything ends turn 5…It’s just such a pathetic mess.

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Play rogue, draw 30 cards before turn 3, quest complete


Was just illustrating what a pathetic mess constructed is, not that options are not there.