How is this "I WIN" card reasonable?

Warriros have a card that doubles all their battlecrys.
If it is reasonable then what card do I need in my deck to defeat it?


DK, druid, hunter, priest and warlock were all favored against Reno Warrior before the nerf yesterday, and it’s possible that even more decks have a better chance now that reno is nerfed

Even worse it doubles the battlecry for the rest of the game, which is perfect for Warrior since they can survive an entire game deck of cards. The card you need to defeat it is a parent’s credit card to buy packs to get as many other broken cards as possible to copy and paste one of the decks the internet says can beat these warrior battlecry, but it’ll still be 50/50 at best so maybe just find a quarter and flip it a few times and get the same experience for cheaper

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The only thing that worries me about spending big bucks making a deck that can defeat a pre-made deck is that the algo usually won’t put you up against a pre-made deck if you made a deck specifically to defeat it.


Dirty Rat can force Brann out of their hand, nullifying the battlecry, but it depends on them 1. Having Brann in hand, and 2. Dirty Rat hits Brann and not another random minion. This is the main counter.

A secondary counter is Reno Priest running Puppet Theater. A smart warrior will never play Brann in that matchup unless 1. Puppet Theater is wiped using Reno, or 2. Puppet Theater is drawn late, well after Brann has been played and killed. Reno Priest playing a 1-cost Brann using Puppet Theater makes the Priest’s victory inevitable.

Otherwise you must kill the warrior before turn 8 (possibly turn 5 if they triple-coin Brann out) using an aggro strat, something which is quite hard to accomplish given Warrior’s early armour gain and constant minion/board clears.

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Dog turd game design sadly, it used to be a game where on board decisions mattered! Now all you do is pray to god your opponent discovers or generates cards worse than you. The number of games decided by card effect RNG is staggering. It’s hard to play the game more than 30 mins without being absolutely disgusted at what happens over the course of a match.


The 3 TNT Legendary, the Resurrect Mech Legendary, the Summon 2 8-Cost minions Excavating Legendary, and the gain attack = to armor Legendaries are already so good on their own I don’t know why the balance team would add something that makes these already busted cards even more busted. It would make more sense if Warrior wasn’t able to clear the board and gain 8 armor every turn. That way once they get to late game they auto win but it’s really easy for them to survive until late game.


Asking you a serious question… why tf do you play the game then? Why are you here? You sound like you hate the game and miserable af about it … I don’t get some of you


Because I remember what the game used to be like, it had it’s problems but it wasn’t the disgrace of a game it is now. You used to be able to play around cards, now you have idea what cards your opponent will generate.

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