How is this game fair?

deck stealing fatigue bs and immune to attacks whole time? is this the way they want it so can go spend cash and hopefully get a scoundrel s bag deck?

You don’t have to play it if you don’t like it. :man_shrugging:

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Psst: Twisting nether. 8 mana 5/5 DK critter. 2 easy board clears. Play the meta. Its EASY to destroy tony druid with blood dk. IF you do not play the meta you are not gonna CLIMB.

pro tip: play the counter and win near 100%


The game is not fair… these developers have no idea about fair game… HS become more and more unbalanced because the developers put every stupid idea into it they can just figure out now… without any testing…

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With the way a lot of card games or even comp modes in games. Meta is what most people will use because they wanna win (which is totally fair) and if you don’t use meta stuff it’s way harder to climb. If your goal is to have fun use whatever you want! I mostly use homebrew stuff and just what i feel like playing, especially since it feels way more satisfying to win (at least to me) if it’s a deck i hand crafted. :3

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but they try to fix the bugs as fast as possible knowing they cant just release new patches whenever they want

Yes, and we need to suffer until they do something about it… They just let us suffer for weeks because they are gathering data… And then mostly fixing many things in the wrong way… Yes… thats better then testing… for them… but not for us… For example, they buffed Paladin’s core Legendary, Tiron… but in the wrong way… instead of decraseing the mana cost of it… they increased the stats… in a meta which is absoluetly aggro oriented… great decision… They tried to support Big Paladin by a new minion but it is too late… TITANS released and killed Big Paladin basically… 4 mana cost random drawing is not better than 6 mana cost summon… They should decrase the mana cost of Lead dancer to 5-4 instead because of the insane strong aggro… (or remove the mass buffing of aggro, buff only 1 minion at a time. Ban Renethal from standard also to make an end for the unlimited control)… another fail… They nerfed the wrong part of Symphony of Sins… The problem was not Sargeras… it was the 6 card destroyer… But they did nothing to this… The only thing they managed to do right is removing Auctioner from core set… but the OTK is still working… so that was also a fail. And now they created a lot of random stuff which are also new option for the game to be controlled… The new neutral titan was absolutely unnecessary too, it just making the fair decks fail more hard then before. I rather suggest you to stop defending them and open your eyes… These developers have no idea what they are doing anymore. The only thing we can hope is the changing of the developer team or their manager team who create these nonsense ideas… and get some experienced ones who know what balance means… because these have no idea about it I am sure… I am saying this with more than 6500 Paladin wins and D5-D1 ranks…

Wonderful response. Suck some more blizzard D.

What a well designed game, right? /smh

Ever try to cast an 8 mana card on turn 6-7? Yeah. Doesn’t work.

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