How is Standard now?

So did the last wave off nerfs fix Standard?

I can say that recent nerfs did nothing to encourage me to start play Standard again, but I am curious about how those who are actually playing the new Standard meta feel about it.

And if a player has more complaints than praise for the current Standard Meta, what needs to done to improve it?

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It’s so-so, an increase in warlocks. You can check hsreplay to get a general idea of what’s going on.

Its still bad, just a new kind of bad. They didn’t really hit the core problems of standard and the problem cards. They promise to fix it in April, but Im not holding my breath, we’ve seen the results time and time again. Don’t bother with standard, keep playing duels or battlegrounds or adventures.

Tdlr; Dont play standard, wait for rotation, pray they do it right.

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at least the ladder is more diversified. before it was only rogue, hunter and dh. now more than half of the classes are having an above 50% win rate.

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Basically pre expansion decks plus DK without the renathal versions so its the same old decks of the past year - beast hunter, curse/imp lock, pure pally, big spell/spooky mage, evolve/midrange shaman, aggro/ramp druid, aggro/fel DH, ctrl/quest priest and different DK decks. In short the same old boring stuff for the past year.

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Honestly, I think the game is worse with how much mana cheat there is. Whether it’s the evolve shaman, the guff druid, or the big spell mage (this isn’t all of them) it just seems like there are just too many big swing turns that make things out of control. I’m sure there are people that like that, and I’m glad they are happy. I have a feeling when metrics and money start talking, we’ll see a change in philosophy and see if things start getting reigned in. If not, I wish all those who remain and play a glorious time.


It’s more variant but way more boring than it used be. Rogue was making the meta more fun imo.

Now it’s nothing but braindead aggro decks all over again. Back to Curvestone.

Standard is still dominated by gambling decks and Hunter despite what are some of the largest nerfs i have ever seen

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Its basically the pre expansion non renathal version of these decks plus DK so if you like playing with the same boring old decks or DK then i guess it will be fun for you.

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Standard isn’t the heap of flaming **** that battlegrounds is but it’s okay. Balance wise I feel like most of the classes I enjoy playing are competitive but it’s the bugs that get me. Some mechanics are badly bugged and there’s no excuse for it. I just played the stupidest deck I’ve ever seen in my life against a player with the similarly original and clever name of “aASAADASD”. Yep. That’s the exact spelling and this pathetic troll abuses the mechanic of having 3 of those elementals that reduce your spell cost for infinite spells.

While I’m sure that was fun for THEM … what was NOT fun for me was not even getting to play my turn because ALL those discovery a new shadow spell animations & the casting runs past into my turn WELL after their rope is gone. You know the player playing these decks is just gleeful that blizzard basically allows them to abuse another player, roping not just their own turn but a majority of mine. Complete bs

As someone who knows how to code …what in the ever loving hell are the devs thinking ? Fix your ****! Would you guys like to pay me to fix your *** because I’d be more than happy to. Obviously the bar isn’t very high. This mechanic abuse / griefing shouldn’t be happening in an established game. This isn’t a beta

Ps. FIX ASTOLOR. Changing the manathirst to 5 mana was NOT the problem nor did it fix anything. His utility on turn 4 wasn’t unbalanced. Change his final cost to 10 mana

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It’s obviously a troll post, the op could easily look up the current decks that are trending and make their own idea about it, the entirety of the topic is trolling.

No one cares.

After playing for years and over 11000 standard games this is first time I find myself thinking what was blizzard doing to create such out of balance heros .
This use to be a actual battle game, now its, whos gona draw their crazy perfec tcombo first and do 50 points of damage to opposing player in one turn without actually attacking with a creature and while at it heal yourself for another 30 points. It has become a game of luck We all might as well go play chess and at least that has strategy init.

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You literally posted this copy/paste elsewhere

Ya? So you read my original post, and thought to yourself, “this guy is an obvious troll,” before deciding to respond with:


Ya? Oh, where on HSReplay does it show whether or not Standard is now a lot of fun to play because of the recent nerfs?

Just so you know, I had looked over the recent nerfs, and noticed things like Astalor still looks broke.

Also, I did a cursory look to see what the most common decks being played on the ladder were to see if Standard looked more attractive and fun to play, and to me, it did not, but I decided to not assume that my deductions were accurate, and so I asked those that are actually playing Standard right now about what THEY thought of the new Standard meta, and the consensus so far was:

None of these ^ responses makes Standard look inviting or fun to play right now, but I do appreciate the honest feedback—maybe the devs can make use of it.

If this ^ were true no one would have responded to my questions—including you.

While getting an accurate idea about how enjoyable it is to play Standard was part of what what I wanted to know, the other part was:

I wanted other players to present some ideas about how to fix or improve the Standard playing experience, because it could influence or help the devs to make improvements.

At least Hearthstoned more-or-less said “fix the bugs that reduce my turn time.”

Could you quote me more please? It really get’s me thinking about stuff.

As you wish:

There was a time when the TOS limited people to only three Bnet accounts, but they did away with that. They do still limit the amount of Bnet accounts that you can have a balance on to three. I also believe they limit the amount of WoW accounts per account to 8, which used to impact multi-boxers.

You sound very politically savvy. /sarcasm off

nah its just back to over control and broken shadow priest