How hard could it be to add a filter to the achievments menu

It’s been how long, 3 years since the system was introduced? And it’s flooded with completed achievements that you have to scroll trough to find what you have left to complete.

You’d think such a simple feature would come with the system itself. God forbid you’d have a text filter as well.


It’s team 5…you answered your own question.

Just like giving it a search feature was too much

However, the important things are being focused on: new mercstone bundles are in the shop!

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do we really need a filter that bad if the ones that give exp are alll in the expansion tab ?

I didnt even know any achievements gave any xp. but who would focus on them for the xp? for a prize card or character skin unlock, sure, but I doubt the vast majority of folk care about the achievements for their xp value if any exist.

If you want XP, that’s what a quest is for. Otherwise, what’s the point of having achievements at all if the vast majority of them is just there to ignore. Might as well remove the system entirely and just move their XP to quests.

Obviously it’s not that bad. But the point is it’s not that hard to implement either. There’s a ton of quality of life improvements to be made in a game that are not urgently necessary, yet people would like to have them regardless.

Another “you think you want it but you don’t”

the microsoft purges cannot happen fast enough.

This. If everything must be five alarm fire level for it to be addressed, they’re doing it wrong. Then again, things that ARE at or near that level are ignored anyway so just another day in irvine.