How does zephyrs the great ACTUALLY work

I´ve been using him in “against a big divine shield minion” so far, no “destroy a random minion” “destroy a taunt minion” “polymorph/hex” option, so again how does it actually work don´t give the same sht other sites put up cause I tried it and it´s bullsht.

I find that it doesn’t offer great spot removal unless there is something big on board.

He does try to offer things that can be played immediately that turn, so try to aim for exactly 4 mana left if you want hex/poly, 6 mana left if you want siphon soul, etc.

It is much easier to predict him giving a large AoE or something like bloodlust.

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It would help a lot if you said what cards he did offer in that situation, and also how much mana you had available at the time.

10 mana, 8 after Zephyrs and I was playing hunter, I get the thing that deals 4 damage and reveals a spell, revive the beasts that died this turn and snake trap…against a single 6/6 taunt minion…again what is Zephyrs thought process

What was your health pool at?
How was the state of the board?
How much mana did you have left?

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How much hp did the enemy have and how much did yours have?

it looks like you were probably lower in hp than your opponent, as Zephyr offered defensive plays (minus the deal 4 discover a spell)

It’s possible that if you didnt have lethal from your board’s state the following turn, he wont offer a taunt clear option as it wouldnt change anything really, and maybe that’s why he offered a tempo play instead.

This is way too vague, you have to actually tell us the state of the board. Next time, make a screenshot.

I can already tell you that he isn’t some kind of magical a.i., he works on a pattern and players have to act accordingly. As you describe it: Yes, he should have offered you Syphon Soul but that is probably selling it short.

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Zephyrs gives you the best possible play for the following turn. Unless I am a highlander deck facing aggressive board early on, I would hold it off until later to play it. At later game, you can almost work out what card you will be offered given the situation.

Turn 7 I know I would likely get brawl or holy nova or mass dispel, if my opponent has the board. Turn 10 I know I will likely get twist neither, so on and so forth. Alternatively, I may try to build a board first before use it to get blood lust or savage roar for lethal.

I got Dark Knight twice in the past which enabled lethal.

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No he doesn’t?! O_o
He is supposed to react to the current situation, that’s what the entire concept hinges upon. They included some options that offer you farsight (like when you play him turn 2 and he offers you Animal Companion aka the best classic set 3 drop) but that only happens if you have no more mana to spend. Otherwise he’ll try to offer you something to play then and there.

Edit: I heavily agree tho: He’s always much better in lategame so he’s not really a 2 drop eventhough he looks like one.

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That can’t be right, Zephyrs only offers cards from basic/classic sets


Zephyr does offer the highest value card according to its definitions. That why you get siphon soul with 6 mana left and not sw death or something else which does not have the 3 heal.

He’s most predictable to clear a board or guarantee lethal. One of the main factors when playing him is knowing what’s available and how much Mana you have.

i don’t think zephrys is that smart. earlier today thijs stream with fibonaci highlander warrior. he has arcanite reaper and grom hellscream around 9 mana, he coined and play both grom and zephrys in order to finish of opponent since he is short like around 4 damage for lethal. yet zephrys didnt give him inner rage, instead healing touch, lay on hands and ysera since he is low as well

Zephrys does not well the text of cards so he does not take enrage into consideration.

He’s good at giving people Tirion that’s for sure… abuse that and I’m sure you’ll be fine.

He also only knows actual board information: Your mana available, both players health, minions on board and their size. He doesn’t anticipate secrets etc if he finds lethal. Honestly I’ve seen more cases of players getting Tirion or Gorehowl really than anything. An occasional SW:D.

And if there are 2 big minions out and you have Death with 8 mana, play it before him and you’re likely to get another.

Not true. It’s already been tested that the best play for the following turn is given if you have 0 mana or not enough for what he would give. You play him on turn 2 he often gives wild growth because you can drop it on 3 and it’s not a bad play.

Zephris has the same priority between current and next turn’s move from my experience. It will not blindly give you a way to clear board/spot removal if your opponent doesn’t have a threaten board.

I used to be in a situation when Zephris just ignored my opponent’s 4/5 taunt and gave me a pyroblast to win next turn. I played him at the beginning so there were still 8-mana left. But my opponent’s HP was at 9 and he was a hunter with zero way to heal up.

Ok, so in conclusion nobody knows how does it work, ok, cool