How does zephyrs the great ACTUALLY work

Why do you have to know the mechanic underlying the card? All you need to know is Zephris has an intelligent higher than all human-being and his offers always the best (even though we might not smart enough to utilize the offered card).

Just trust him like you trust Jesus.

…at least higher than some human beings

The rules have already been laid out and then you say “nobody knows” when people do know and have explained it.

Unless the 4/5 was lethal for them(unless you couldn’t afford a clear though as well, but if 4 was lethal he would have given Holy Fire if you had the mana for it.

Pretty disappointing he doesn’t pull either Chef Noni or Archivist Elysiana with no deck remaining.

Why are people saying he offers cards other than basic/classic cards?

I’ve never once seen him offer anything other than those.

I don’t play Zephrys myself, but I’ve figured out what is offered and how. Goes a little like this:

  1. how much mana do you have remaining to do something now
  2. what does the board state look like
  3. offer something within the current mana left to deal with a threatening board or buff one of your minions

I’ll make it simple for you:
Play him on turn 6 with 4 mana left, you’re likely going to get a hex or a mass dispel
Play him on turn 10 with 8 mana remaining, you’re likely going to get Twisting Nether or Tirion.

I’ve never once seen a non-basic non-classic card played. Not once. I call complete BS on him offering the 4 damage discover a spell card.

I think it should always give bloodlust if you have full board of minions which can attack. Even if you don’t have lethal. In terms of a match being played, this is probably one’s best chance to push damage, even if not lethal.

Right now it only gives bloodlust if it gives lethal, which I think is a mistake.

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The real question is how come people can’t spell Zephrys correctly?

He’s not a Zephyr and he’s not a plural Zephyr.



Only one person said that from what I’ve seen.

The assumption is that it’s not a smart decision to mongo and go face if the other player has a board. I’m sure it’s offered if the other player has no board.

You told us he offered you 3 expansion cards.

WE understand how he works just fine. YOU’RE just full of crap. He offers basic/classic only bub.

There ya go, nobody knows wtf this card is about LOL

go to 31 Min 30 Sec

The best explanation you will get from an dev

OP is on crack that’s why.

Are you assuming his identity?

How dare you! Maybe he identifies as a plural Zephyr. I am outraged!