How does this make sense, no defense for this

Worlock plays card destroyer. Worlock then plays card that gets you your corrupted cards back and they cost 1. plays card destroyer again. Now you have lost 12 cards.
The Worlock plays symphoney of sins and destroys another 6 cards.
What were the Devs thinking when they created this?
What is the defense for it, or should you just forfeit when they play card destroyer?

i forget, what is the name of the card you refer to as “card destroyer”? i can’t remember. maybe it’s the covid i got.

I never bother to learn the names of cards. I just describe what they do.

I’m assuming it’s Tickatus, but that’s only 5 cards removed, not 6.

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5 or 6 most older players would know what I mean. New players are baffled by my descriptions.
Like if I say a person played card that rezzed asll their deathrattles, a new player would be baffled. Older players like me who have played since the game came out would be like… “oh i know what card that is.”
It’s bascially a way to filter out new players.
Old players know the descriptions new players dont.

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this must be the first tickatus complain thread i see in years

hes leo/phen right ?


I think warlock is sucking right now because of barrel of sludge. I won’t even play against warlock