How does this happen? Is it a hack?

Played a mage and they must have had hundreds of devine brew and devine seabrease cards.
How is this even possible to have more than two of one card.
That is all you can choose when you choose cards. 2 or 1 if it is a legendarsy but they were playing like out of a water faucit,

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Do you have a replay?

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Honestly you tend to post a lot of threads indicating that you feel your opponent is somehow cheating. I would say that if you want other members to start taking these posts seriously than it would be ideal to submit a replay so that other members can review them and actually let you know what may or may not have happened.

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I never said they were cheating. I want to know how you get so many of the same cards and play them over and over.

If there is no way to do it, then obviously it would be a hack.
Even you agree with that.

Can you come up with any explanation?

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Well, you actually are… you have “Is it a hack” in your title, so you are putting the legitimacy of the play into question.

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If there is no explanation, then would you agree it is a hack?
How else could it be?
If I played 20 reno jacksons in a row you would be scratching your head.

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What I’m saying is that rather than imply the person is hacking, you should post a replay so that other players can review the match. Otherwise, can’t take you seriously about claims of hacking. it just makes you come off as a bitter player who blames hacks for a loss. That’s all.

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If I recorded using OBS and posted it on youtube I don’t think the forums would allow that.
That would be trying to get traffic to your youtube channel and you would be banned.

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You don’t need to record it from your computer. Just use HS replay. Why do you think players keep asking if you have a replay. Use the deck tracker it records the match and than all you need to do is post the link and we can use it to watch the match and then tell you.

like so…

Ok I will try using that.
I didn’t want to get banned posting a link to youtube.


You wouldn’t get banned for posting a youtube link, as long as it was within guidelines you would be fine, and also providing you are able to based on your forum level.

Well if it does not allow me then everyone will have to just do their best trying to read my explanations if they want to.

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Everyone is able to post a hsprely link. All you need to do is put ` before and after the link and it will appear just like in the example of one of my matches that I posted above. The Youtube is different because it’s media and some members are able to post them and some are not.

So again, when you are facing something, just like the post about the wild warrior, it helps when other members are able to watch the match, they then can see what was in your deck and your opponents and are in a better position to give suggestions or explain any plays that may have seemed unclear.

If you played 20 renos in a row, that would mean you got ahold of a rogue spell


Either that, or hacking, yes

Also the short answer.that nobody has touched on, is that the 2 cards you list are the new drink mechanic so each can be cast 3 times. Combine that with being able to run 2 copies of each and the ability to discover more it can feel like it never ends

Looks like you are not aware of the new drink spells.

Common · Spell · Perils in Paradise · Deal 2 damage randomly split among all enemies. (3 Drinks left!)

Each drink spell can be used 3 times. If a Mage has 2 copies of this spell in the deck then this spell can appear 6 times in a game. And this is without the possibility that this spell was copied or discovered.

Look at the game history log on the left side of the battlefield.

If they play a card that did not start in their deck, the game history log for that card will contain a notification that it was “created by [some other effect]”.

Also, as someone pointed out, the new “drink” spells can be used several times each (although this is far short of the “hundreds” that you claimed).

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Dont forget discover and the baby naga that probably generated even more

What about those whom primarily play on Mobile? like myself…