How does a DK get so many copies of the Astalor card?

They legit had like 4 or more copies and I never saw them make any.
How do you even beat this?
What dev thought this was a good idea, and how do they do it?

could be Celestial Projectionist, or Photographer Fizzle, or umm Brann Bronzebeard generating more copies through the battlecries.

Sorry if you don’t like it.


You are funny!! It has two minions in standard mode that returns a minion from your field to your hand; has another minion that generates a temporary copy of a minion on the field for your hand; and there is the legendary naga that generates a copy of a minion on your field. I doubt an opponent will create a deck full of those minions I mentioned above, unless it’s a warlock and his focus is on that legendary 4-mana serpent that steals the life of the enemy hero.


or a new player

a new palyer would build adeck to replay a legendary

Why would only a new player do such? I often have copy generating cards in nearly all my decks to be able to replay my legendaries or epics/rares. Being able to make a copy of ETC to get the other 2 choices is from him still. Or the Nature spell triggered Dragon for druid, or The DK guy that does 3 dmg at the end of turn for rest of game, or getting another copy of Rommath.


as a new player you are more likely to play cards just because you can no matter if is compettive or not

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I dont understand the automatic position of competitive being the default position. But I dont play the game to be competitive. I do wish not to lose, that is true, but not the same thing as needing to win at all costs at the expense of everything else. I personally could not give any flips if ETC isnt a competitive card, its a legendary and had a very awesome ability to give me specific cards on demand depending on the situation I find myself in. Having the ability to repeat that more than just the one time in a match is of immense value to me, regardless of it being considered competitive. I;m not a new player by any means.

In fact anytime I make a preist deck at all for duels it is almost 100% based on making copies of the few minions I put in it such as the initial treasure I pick that clones itself whenever my hero’s health changes on my turn. I make sure I can play that oh so important minion over and over, bouncing back from every removal and board clears they throw at me turn after turn. To the point that eventually they just bail because they lack any more removals in hand to try anymore.