How do you feed mini-Rag to get the new emote?

I achieved this twice, but I never got an emote. For that matter, where is the emote unlocked?

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You don’t get a new emote to use on top of the normal ones, it just replaces your normal emotes for the duration of the event.

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Aw Boo. I’ll take my pack then and bounce!

Really? Thats dumb. I wasted like 5 matches to achieve something that is only available for a week.

At the bare minimum, they should allow the mini-rag emote to be used in other modes for the week.

all it does is give your “Wow” emote fireworks around it and a fireworks sound when you press it on any hero. I got it a long time ago and forgot until I googled it wondering why the emote didn’t unlock or what the heck it was even.

Really? I had the fireworks effect before this week. And I don’t recall ever doing the mini-rag event ever before. Hell, I recently returned after not playing for 2+ years, and upon my return I recognized the firework effect for the first time.