Blizzard customer service is awful. I submitted a ticket almost 9 months ago regarding an in-game bug that prevented me from adding anyone as a friend in hearthstone. After taking all the necessary steps like logging into a desktop to cancel all “pending friend requests” and ensuring there are no privacy/parental permissions stopping me from doing so, Blizzard really dropped the ball. I’ve opened several tickets, about one a month, reminding Blizzard customer service I still have been unable to add a single friend in 9 months. Their respond? Basically told me to stop submitting tickets, this is a common occurence and eventually it will be fixed. I wonder what an appropriate time-frame is in their eyes, as 9 months is a long time to wait for a simple bug fix. I say we Boycott blizzard, rope your opponents in game, get as many people to quit/not spend money as possible cuz the only way blizz will ever fix their horrible customer service is if you hit em where it hurts, their wallets. I’d be thrilled if they were all fired and blizzard just started over with employees that have decency, as it stands now id expect better customer service from McDonalds employees. I understand my method of action is dark, so I’m open to any ideas anyone has to try to get blizzard to get it together. Fixing an issue like a friends list bug doesn’t directly produce a profit so it’s clear to me this issue won’t ever be resolved.
Also, for anyone in doubt whether Hearthstone is rigged or not, to force you to spend more money and make you lose more often when you don’t, here is a patent from Blizzard that does just that.
I can’t include a link to the blizzard patent so if you’d like proof, lmk how I can reach you and I’ll happily provide it, or just do a google search for Google Patent US20160005270A1
The thing that stood out to me was in the diagram they show that they have a method for pre-determining whether they’ll put you into a match that is a positive or negative experience. This is interesting because I’ve seen a lot of posts about steamrolling matches and also people wondering whether they are purposely put on winstreaks after losing a lot of matches. So this kind of confirms that they do have the ability to decide whether or not they want you to have fun.
And would you believe it, a few years back an internal survey showed that a good amount of blizzard employees are unhappy with their pay and jobs as a whole. The way I see it, that is like a McDonalds employee complaining about minimum wage but always getting your order wrong, except at McDonald’s at least you get SOMETHING. If we all submit tickets so we can get a survey back and then rate them 1 out of 5 stars on everything and let corporate know that customer service doesn’t need a raise, they are paid plenty for the little they do to resolve issues, at least then blizzard will see that that customer satisfaction does not meet the request for higher pay from blizz employees.
Safe travels