How do the 2X Event quests work in terms of timing?

Is it like the regular quests: that if you do 1 of them you can keep having 3 of them up the next day, or is it optimal to do the 2 special Lunar Event quests in the same day and wait for the next 2 in order to not max the queue?

You get new ones as you finish the old ones, until you finish all of them or max out the event xp.

Which I usually do without even looking at the quests, by just playing

Not sure what you mean, because I see “New quest in 15 hours” now on 1 of them.

Maybe if you don’t do them early they “bank” for you (because I remember seeing something like that in the past (giving me multiple quests in the same day automatically (but not sure if it’s the same system this time))?

Yes, they “bank”, you’re not losing anything if you ignore them a couple of days

I wonder if anyone knows, how long they bank: unlimited?

PS the common quests don’t bank by the way.

Common quests have 3 slots + weekly and yeah, they don’t bank after that

Until the event expires or until you’ve collected the main reward, whichever comes first

Tested it last event, this should hold unless they changed it.

I literally only did quest number 1 and filled the event bar by playing and then the quests disappeared.

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