How do i fix/reset my MMR?

I’m getting trashed hard. 6-10 games with only an auto concede to my name.

I’ve considerd playing ranked? Would my MMR move at all beacuse at this point, i think Blizzard hates me.

I barely touch the game as it is now. Get upset becasue it’s always the same. I tried, spent some dust on an actual precon deck. It’s not happening, the deck. The matchups i get… 30,20,1 dead. In 2 turns just about.

If this is some kind of punishment, i’m sorry. I swear i’ll never do that thing again. You know, that one.

Which mode are you playing?

Unranked mostly. I get humans on ranked but it’s horrible, i’m under bronze 5 and those are way above my actual skill level.

It sounds like you may need to use a different deck, but it could be a piloting issue. What deck are you using?

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It’s the hunter with Plush Krush. Is it bad because i actually got some legendaries for it. Missing just one card.

EDIT: I’ll get another deck, thanks.

That deck isn’t performing very well. The better Hunter deck right now is more of a token aggro deck

Spell Token Hunter

Spell Token Hunter

Class: Hunter

Format: Standard

2x (1) Awakening Tremors

2x (1) Bunch of Bananas

2x (1) Sneaky Snakes

2x (1) Thornmantle Musician

2x (1) Vicious Slitherspear

2x (2) Barrel of Monkeys

2x (2) Jungle Gym

2x (2) Observer of Myths

2x (2) Patchwork Pals

2x (2) Remote Control

2x (3) Saddle Up!

2x (4) R.C. Rampage

1x (5) Barak Kodobane

1x (5) Leeroy Jenkins

2x (5) Mantle Shaper

1x (6) Aggramar, the Avenger

1x (8) Zilliax Deluxe 3000

1x (0) Zilliax Deluxe 3000

1x (3) Pylon Module

1x (5) Ticking Module


To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone

Find this deck on


I had most of the cards for the uh, large demons, warlock. The one with the 3/6 legendary which draws a demon then switches.

I think i won 2 games already.

My problem really was the deck.



If you are at low ranks, I find hsreplay to be a good source of decks for a limited collection. If you use the tracker it will tell you what decks you can build for free, but it will only show higher rank stats if you pay

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I like to use HSReplay when I start a new deck. I have the sheet pulled up for my mulligans and card played W/R’s etc. Very helpful when starting something new.

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Go to hsreply, check what are the top decks in terms of winrates, and craft one. That’s the only way you can win games.

“Unranked player.”
“Hunter main”
“Go check Top decks if you aren’t winning in the mode most likely to throw bots at you”
He’s not a meta slave like us yet, why is our first instinct to convert him when the easiest solution to “The game said I won too much and made me fight entire golded decks” is just keep losing until you run into someone slower than you like the founding father Ben Brode intended.

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I don’t understand.

I got a Blizzard deck and i was able to win 5 ranked games for the weekly. But then, nothing. A good 10 games then i made the pally aura deck. Then… nothing. I only won a game when the guy got me to 1 and quit on me. I do think the deck was better.

Then I made a custom deck. And now the opponents are much stronger. I still don’t stand a chance.

What’s going on?

As you win games you rank up and face stronger players

Which i don’t? I think the MMR only ever goes up at this point. Which isn’t fun. I mean sometimes i’d like to make a new deck and try it out even though it’s not as good. While i work on it anyway.

I just made this Druid deck. Custom and by me. I won 1 out of 1. I don’t know how that’s going to play out later. Wish me luck?

EDIT: Sorry if i sound like I’m not grateful, you’re trying to help.

Are you in ranked now? Playing with no bonus stars? What rank?

Paladin and druid are pretty bad in the meta right now, and making a deck yourself that wins is very difficult. It takes a lot of trial and error.

No, i’ve been playing casual. The druid deck is 1/1 right now. The game is acting stupid, i can’t play at all.

I… kinna like deckbuilding. I used to play MTG, i’m not completely bad at it. I have tendencies to win more with my own decks.

The original deck i made was DH. But then i got demolished with heavy prejudice. That 8/8 for 0? Then copies? That or Shaman 1 hit 30, bye. I don’t think any pre-constructed deck would save me from those. I figured it’s becasue people complain about DH and Blizzard is caving. Gimping DH ingame. Which is completely magical, ignore this. Matchups are actually bad though. Hence this thread.

I know i’m making up stuff, but… I think it’s some kind of robot flag. For deviant gameplay. Requires human intervention and it’s just not happening. I’m actually a faerie. Back in WoW i unlocked Kul Tiran before they opened all classes. It was an uphill battle. Pulled it off. Then i got this Hearth of Azeroth. Started getting Chest and heads from the BFA dungeons. Tanking. Crafting a jeweled onyx panther. 2/4 now.

Pisces and Libra. I get those ideas, and then… I make it happen.

So deviant… Needs a human GM. As for the matchups i suppose it’s friday? Or something?

Just ignore me or something…

Yeah Dh and Shaman are broken at the moment.

Your Sun sign and Moon sign? Or sun sign and ascendant?

Sun sign is pisces and ascendant is libra.

They’re not always good ideas and i really can’t tell.