How do i beat these bots

Shadow priest even shaman and pirate rogue in diamond 2. I don’t really feel like saying what i really think of blizzard and getting banned. There so broken you might as well sell legend because you won’t balance them that requires work

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This simply isn’t true.

They update us regularly on their anti-bots efforts.


If the bots are all these fing [animal][color] named accounts then crack down on the similar named accounts. Having someone spend some time actually reviewing the major bot trends like patterend naming conventions and lock some accounts. Yeah, having the well oiled answer is great, but come the hell on, don’t let it distract from a lot of the low hanging fruit when they are clogging up matchmaking like godam tribbles.

Probably nothing to do with caring or not caring.

Just there is probably only one guy budgeted to spend a small number of hours each quarter to doing anything. He does best efforts within that constraint and that is all that happens.

And still give us no easy way to report bots in-game


Thats the way in a clown game!


Aren’t you the guy who keeps lying saying that Hearthstone has no bots? Yet here you are, admitting that Hearthstone has a botting problem…. Which is it?

Are there bots or not? :smile::laughing::laughing:


My question is about Mind Sear. Who designed that card? Why does it deal 5 damage for 1 mana? Remember when the game was released and Fireball did 6 damage for 4 mana? What has even happened?

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I lold, the botting in wild is the worst it’s ever been. If they really banned as many accounts as they claim, then the botting problem is unfixable, seeing as supposedly this is this massive ban wave and yet no noticeable difference at all.

Here’s a real simple fix, add a captcha before a match. Took two seconds of thought to think of that. Blizzard could fix the bot problem easily if they wanted to. There however is no financial incentive to do so. I don’t know nor care about standard, but in wild almost 75 percent of my games are against bots. I only play duels now because of this. Even though the mode is eh, at least it’s against actual people.

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There is always “THAT GUY,” like in the World of Warcraft player answered customer forums, that always says there is no way YOU can prove someone is a bot. “Only blizzard can see the data.” Then they always say: “I have never seen any bots in this game.” lol.
Someone says: “The account is on 24/7.” The “THAT GUY,” then, always says: “How would you know they are on 24/7 unless you are on 24/7, which would mean you are a bot.”

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Just noticed that. Screenshot it and save for future reference. It’s a gem.

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Majority of bots play aggro which declare blockers would fix.

Its color object as well. But yeah I auto report them

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