How do I beat the new "I WIN" card, "Line cook?"

Everytime someone draws the card they get a copy.
The card is tradable, so the warrior was able to draw it infinite times.
Every time they draw it, they buff it with drinks or whatever until all the cards have 40 health and 40 damage.
They have an endless supply of these cards, and they cost THREE mana to play.
Then they use cards to give them charge.

Oh I forget to mention they are taunt cards.


So how do I beat hundreds of these cards that can do 40 damage with 40 health?

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They didn’t.
Just not for the reason provided here.

didn’t umm one of the guys in the preview videos for perils in paradise try to build a deck around buffing line cook and get trounced repeatedly? I can’t remember his name I think he was playing against Rarran.

So how do you beat it, if it can be trounced?
They literally have an infinite supply that are buffed up to mega 40 and 50.
They only cost 3 mana to play, so they don’t have to play their entire deck of cooks to beat you. They just have to play one at a time while you struggle.
Then they can add charge for fun and boom, boom.
Unless you are a mage with ice block, what then?
And ice block only works one time. If you have another ice block then well you survive two turns of being hit with 50 damage.

So how is it trounced?

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well first they have to draw line cook to work the deck
then they get one copy whenever they put a line cook back in the deck
so it’s really not this uncontrollable nightmare you’re making it out to be with infinite line cooks there’s at least 28 other cards in his deck.

Well, if it is there only tradable cards, can’t they keep just trading it back and forth and create an infinite amount?
Every time they trade it, they get an extra one.

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