How can you not run a dirty rat?

I’ve lost my share of games because I used Dirty Rat before I had a card in hand to handle whatever got summoned…which is often a big beastie that proceeds to smack me around for a few turns before I get anything to take it out…if I even do. Luck is like that sometimes. I still insist that most people who complain about the rat are those who have just one win-condition in their deck, and that win condition happens to be a minion. So sorry for you, suck it up.

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It’s just exemplifies bad game design. It shouldn’t be needed. However, I rather lose to a Dirty Rat than a Priest stealing one of my win cons.

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That’s a completely different game from 10 years ago. They would never be able to compete at the level they currently are with more modern CCG’s online. You understand most of the changes they have made in the last few years are a direct result of Marvel SNAP? If they do not innovate and compete with the big boys in the medium they go out of business. It’s even more relevant as they enter back into the biggest mobile market in the World.

Rat is a perfectly fine card that has just a big a drawback as an upside.

Lol. Only noobs play this card on turn 2 and if you dont its a dead card for a while

As long as the game has Battlecry mechanic, Dirty Rat is always mandatory.

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To me the card is so bad that I see it as a benefit to me whenever an opponent plays it.
Ive had games where I just win at that moment when opponent plays it, because it USUALLY backfires incredibly hard. It lets me put out minions that have incredibly heavy costs, or downsides to manually playing them, for free.

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Where exactly do you see the innovation?

Innovating does not mean making the game ridiculously broken in every sense of the word. They could have kept the game growing without turning it into an RNG fiesta, by simply printing better, stronger, and more interesting cards. So that “innovation” completely failed, because a lot of pros voiced their opinion when HS started becoming exactly that, and started seeking opportunities elsewhere.

Please tell me, where has Hearthstone innovated? True innovation would involve creating a new mode that isn’t dead on arrival, something they’ve been completely unable to achieve. They are not competing; they’re merely surviving by staying in the middle of the road and when they stray off it we get modes like Twist or Mercenaries.

As for Rat, that card is obviously problematic. It was designed for a different era.

In a game where you are only allowed one copy of each legendary, having a disruption card that can end the game instantly doesn’t make sense. If you believe otherwise, I’m not sure what to tell you.

For me, the health pool is the sticking point.
Rat is allowed 6 health and taunt.
If it were a bit lower, I wouldn’t dislike the card so much.
I agree disruption is necessary.

6 Health on a minion that can pull out a fat minion as early as round 2…a fat minion that will eat the rat for breakfast if you don’t immediately take care of it. That is the very logical reason why the rat has a high health pool for a 2 mana minion. Because it has a massive downside. You’d have to be willfully ignoring this fact to keep pointing out that the health is too high.

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I rarely play Standard anymore.

I’ve also always hated disruption cards. I think I now know part of the reason why. Heroic Chromaggus’s disruption hero power is the wrong way to design disruption. It’s the very definition of toxic disruption. Especially after the Sorcerer’s Apprentice nerf.

No way. The ability to screw over your entire hand and get rid of a threat ahead of time, compared to just not using it until you have removal? Hmm. The drawback is only big if you use it inappropriately.

And they are scrambling and creating a mess with more and more gimmicks, driving away their fans. We see this all the time with franchises. They tried to innovate prior with other game modes and failed.

Objection! and Counterspell can at least be played around. Rat can’t. Even if you fill your hand, it comes down to luck.

This was a crime.
