How can you not run a dirty rat?

basically no downside as far as I am concerned.
Always good.
Prove me wrong

Unless you are running an aggressive deck and you are potentially putting large bodies on the field you can’t /don’t want to deal with.

Dirty Rat is good in late game decks to counter things that can’t be countered by non-RNG cards.

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for every game my opponent dirty rats something critical and hurts my gameplan, i’ve had 4 where they’ve basically instantly lost by playing it.


Cuz I run Mutanus instead. Safer option imo. If it would have summoned a giant, instead it goes into my minion, and opponent has to waste more cards getting rid of it.

the priest titan coming out on 2 mana is always great for me


Another card that needs to be modified imho.
Disruption needs to exist, but no card should be ubiquitous.

Ah yes. Accidentally summoning phantoem of the opera on turn 3 isn’t a downside. Keep giving me the free insta conceeds fellas. Really makes me feel like I have a purpose

The drawbacks to this card are almost none.
Running a card this powerful should have a bigger risk, as pulling an 8/8 is not that punitive, when you have a 6 health taunt and a turn to deal with it.

The draw back is that you sometimes have to play it intelligently–having removal in case you hit something big. However, you sometimes also have to play it early, so that is counter-intuitive.

I love how this thread(and every like it in the past) has just as many people admitting to losing the game by playing it for its downside as people playing it for its upside

The effect is an upside on turn 6ish when you can more reasonably deal with its threat, it kind of functions as a manathirst card where when you play it early not that great but on 10 mana it is all upside.

I think the fact that it was brought back(free for year in core) and alot of people who used to played it wrong now know not to do that so there is higher amount of times the card is played right. This is reffered to as a skill card and although some times(brann warrior) its just play it for free value it does often require some thought to play right

There was a time when basic cards often required skill to use. Here, you’re still utilizing RNG to try and deal with one of the fundamental flaws of this game. It is strange though that other games don’t have agency on your opponent’s turn, but people don’t complain there. It’s because people aren’t complaining about the lack agency in that sense, but when they get robbed of a win because of crazy RNG. The most RNG Pokemon has, for example, is a coin flip–it can still be salty, but the RNG is no where near the level in this game where so many different variants exist. In Pokemon, you usually build your deck around a certain effect going on, so you attempt the same thing multiple times. It’s not just constantly throwing down more RNG that gets crazy different outcomes depending.

because we have to be able to deal with threats we end up pulling by accident

the sub is full of screenshots and clips with examples of people making the mistake of playing rat without removal

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Gotta love how this threads pops up every week or so

I’ll say the same thing I’ve said in the previous one:

Dirty rat is much stronger than it used to be.



a) removal is plentiful and cheap nowadays, and
b) there are no vanilla minions anymore, so anything you pull is a battlecry and/or lower stats for cost than it used to be.

Is it broken? No.

Is it getting stronger and stronger each expansion? Yes, it is. It’s an interesting thing about that card - its’ power scales with the power of the other cards - it has powercreep built into itself.

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That’s unironically an interesting theory, but it doesn’t really matter.

This is what matters. Yet another thread where what is “broken” isn’t based on any criteria tied to reality, it’s just people being salty.

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I can think of numerous decks and classes that don’t run the Rat. It has one specific purpose and it needs support to effect that purpose or you might just end up handing your opponent the game.

Some just want their deck to be consistent towards their own win con. I stopped running shortly after OG Brann was removed.

Dirty Rat needs to be nerfed not because it is broken, but because of how polarizing the effect can be, without real means to play around the “random.”

However, it’s not just Dirty Rat. There needs to be a whole reassessment about single cards’ power levels. Once these cards are balanced, Dirty Rat should be adjusted to a 2/2 and its effect should be reconsidered, making it sensible for a game that allows only one-offs for legendary effects.

Make it a 2 mana 2/2 Battlecry: Your opponent shuffles a random minion from their hand to their library. Maybe even showing the minion hit from this effect so you get a read on the opponent.

Further, limit card draw across all classes to make shuffling things back to the deck a viable tech choice.

Basically, Rat is a dumb tech befitting the broken state of the game now. If you change Rat, you should change 100 other things to make it make sense.

lmao this would be unplayable

every modern deck has ways of cycling through their 30 card deck in less than 10 turns, this accomplishes exactly nothing.

Yes, lets’ fundamentally change the entire game because one tech card is questionably strong right now.

if you want to hard punish dirty rat, just play handbuff, card is legit unplayable against the archetype.

My whole point went over your head. Reread, and we might just have a back-and-forth.

a 2 mana “shuffle a random minion into your opponent’s deck” would definitely be played. It’d be safer to play than the current version.

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