How can I turn emotes off?

Can someone please tell me how to make it so I don’t see the opponent’s emotes? While some rare people use emotes for actual sportsmanship, I am really sick of the scumbags who make fun of me by stuff like spamming “thank you” when I make a mistake.

Thank you in advance for your help.


You can click/tap on the ennemy hero to squelch them, just as how you click/tap on yours to emote.
But there’s no way of auto-squelching other players to never see emotes


I am sorry you had this experience just know that there are good people out there i usualy use it usualy when me or my opponent do something that is rly cool i also say wp when they do a good play i am alsso going back to letting my opponents take the finish blow i think they worked hard for their win il let them get the winning attack.


most people dont spam just use squelch on those who do

you can lower the volume of dialogues too its on of the sound settings


Thanks, guys, I much appreciate the help. Have a great rest of the day.


You too my friend :slight_smile:

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Unfortunately, the squelch will automatically fall off. It will always fall off at the end of the current match and you will have to re-apply it the next match. And every single match you play. Also, it falls off in the middle of a match far too often, meaning you may still see obnoxious emotes from your opponent and will be forced to squelch him multiple times.


same opponent …multiple times ?

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Yeah so basically your whole message is my second sentence
Never occured to me even in a long game that my squeltched opponent suddenly unsqueltched themselve


You use some software tools to determine his IP address, which you use to get his physical address. Go to his house and kidnap him. Take him to the closest WWF wrestling ring and deposit him in the middle. Climb to the top rope and jump off, delivering a flying elbow to his squishy bits. If he’s a mill druid or a paladin main, you might also need to cram a durian into a pillowcase and wail on him for a few hours.

No more emotes!

Now call him an ambulance and enjoy a durian smoothie. Smell that? That’s victory. And possibly durian. Hear that? Those are police sirens. This might not have been worth it…

Usually I don’t find emotes a problem, most people do like 0-2 emotes per match. But if someone is being deliberately annoying or trying to break my concentration or gloat about some sort of game state or whatnot, then yeah I’ll go ahead and squelch. Really doesn’t happen so often though, tbh.

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Unable to read…the post…AGAIN!

Need to add this as the free space to future bingo cards.

When jay and silent bob used their movie profits for revenge: hearthstone edition.

op to your question, yes you can squelch them, but there’s a number of issues that lead to ut being undone (had several matches where a squelch didn’t “stick” even without the game’s terrible servers not disconnecting me).

There is a push for auto squelch, but the same devs who go “add in game chat would be toxic” somehow don’t see and option for auto squelch as needed.

I think there should be an option for both.


thats very likely your own internet connection unless you are downloading something else while you play

other games may lag while you update another ( like fornite ) but HS loses connection instead

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Going to have to start marking cards ahead:

I mean, can they at least upgrade the code in their forum bots so they can actually read posts?!

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when the servers go down on a game we see many posts here and on reddit

so i know is more likely your connection isnt as good as you think

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Personally tested my connection, have you?

Then not only (once again) do you have no idea what you are posting about), you are committing fraud: a criminal act, on the forums, a violation of coc.

But bots gotta spam lies, I guess.

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I spam emotes all game whether I am doing good or bad in the game based on the algorhythm allows that result. Consistency is key. I even spam the bots.

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if nobody else complains about connection issues like we had in the past

then it s on your side

when we had server issues a while ago anyone could find many many posts about it here and reddit just by filtering by the last week

I realize the company may not let you browse the bug report and technical issues forums here…but you’re committing another act of fraud: a criminal act, on the forums, a violation of coc.

But bots gotta CONTINUE to spam lies, I guess.

Yes. On mobile devices, the squelch falls off on its own far too often.