How are you spending your gold on expansion day?

I have 8500 gold saved up, I think I’m going to buy golden packs one at a time until I get lucky or hit the pity timer, then spend the rest on normal packs.

Normally I’d just buy the 85 normal packs, what would you do?

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not going to do anything till i get to level 75 of the rewards track in case i open up a duplicate of the free epic.

Golden Packs until Legendary and then normal ones.

I don’t get why
If you open the free epic, the moment you receive it from the reward track it just asks you if you want it rerolled for another epic of the expansion

Usually I spend all on packs day one, then keep opening packs as gold come. After one month of the expansion, I stop buying packs after the first legendary I open, then I eco for the rest of the month for the miniset and the next expansion. So if the 8500 gold come from the eco of the last month they I just dpend it all on regular packs. I don’t really care on golden cards and I don’t think (know) golden packs are worth being dusted to craft regular cards

I always spend 4000 gold on 40 packs and craft what few cards I might want that I didn’t get in my packs.

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I should be doing that since I have 92k dust saved up, but I’m basically a gambling addict with Hearthstone packs lol. I probably get more joy out of opening packs than the months of gameplay it takes to save up the gold to buy them.

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oh really? i didnt know about the exchange! but its so good to know! Also, seems to be a good idea to get first 10 packs golden. in this way you guaranteed to exchange for a good legendary if you didnt get anything good.

The pity timers are not shared between plain and golden packs
So if what you try to do is to guarantee that your first 10 packs legendary is golden, you can still do while buying regular packs first. You’re still guaranteed a golden legendary in your first 10 golden packs

I normally only spend gold on hero portraits and sometimes mini sets.

Not sure. Debating if I should save up for the mini-set or just buy packs.

Honestly, Don’t waste your gold on golden packs. They cost 400 gold per pack. You’re going to be better off just buying the regular packs becuase you will get more bang for your buck. More cards for the current expansion. Sure Golden cards are cool, sure signituare cards are cool, but the regardless of which version of the card ou get regular vs gold or signiture, they all do the same.

I have 290000 gold. I’m going to first open the pre order, Than see what I’m missing, dust the extras. I have 13000 dust, so whatever I get from dusting that gets added to the current, I’ll craft whatever… and then I will buy regualr packs 40 at a time, unpack, dust, craft.
However, I will only do this once I reach level 20 to see what legendary I get from that. I have all my quests prepped so reaching level 20 will be fairly quick.

Most likely I’ll have a left over of around 180000 gold which will then be left untouched and used to be the regualar mini pack and than packs when the next expansion comes out.

Wow, then we get two dips! Thanks for the tips! Welcome news!

The set only costs 2k. so not hard to get.

Agreed. Which is why I bought packs.