How are folks liking the Death Knight so far?

I was SUPER freaking stoked when they added the Death Knight, and actually stuck with it for a few weeks (I’m kind of an eclectic gamer, don’t really stick to any one game for long). I don’t imagine I’ll be able to unlock the Mograine portrait for the DK class before the “season” or whatever changed (I think I’m like level 32 in the season pass thing?), but I’d still like to try messing around with it.

Well, I saw a bunch of my cards for all of my DK decks have been removed, and in fairness I never felt like I had the most solid grasp on how to build a good deck to begin with.

I can’t quite make sense of how to best use Corpses, or how to really leverage the Rune restrictions. I’m definitely a noob, because I don’t always understand how opponents’ decks work (I remember playing against a Priest with some kind of “quest” system that I couldn’t understand).

It leaves me wondering if I’m just really bad at the game, if the DK is just harder to play than I realize, or even if the DK is just maybe not the most versatile class right now?

I’ll say, I remember fighting a Demon Hunter player once, and I distinctly remember him being what I thought was a strange build, he was focused more on his hero performing attacks, and summoned almost zero minions throughout the match. I remember thinking that was super interesting, and seemed like maybe it would maybe be a little more beginner-friendly?

I dunno, just kinda curious if you guys have thoughts on the Death Knight so far, or suggestions for someone still fairly new to the game and eager to try and learn the class, or if I should maybe pick something else until I’m a little more advanced?

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Huh complicated topic.

I’d say in dk you got something for everyone…
blood is definitly the easiest to play, every single card in the deck plays for itself.
Frost is way harder, cuz it’s a burn deck with a slight combo potential.
Unholy is straight forward aggro, also not hard to play.

In my opinon, every deck that builds a solid board and runs just a handful of spells is good for beginner.
Though it also depends on your playstyle.
Dh is not as easy as it looks, it’s rly easy to miss lethal and lose the game cuz of it.

Anyways you shouldnt worry mutch atm.
The game is going to be totaly different in a week.

Btw I believe that blood dk will be a real thing after rotation, dirty rat in blood looks scary imho

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Dk’s are a lot of fun. I for one have been really impressed with the class overall. I am already on my way to 1000k wins with the class.

With that being said. The rune system is a pain. I didn’t even bother trying to figure it out, I just net decked blood, frost, and Unholy than tweaked from there.

The way the corpse works, is every time you use your hero power and the dude dies, you get a corpse, which than be spent to get a bonus effect for some cards like vampiric blood. When your minions die they also add a corpse to the total you have. The only ones that won’t count would be once that were minions that were risen from spent corpses.

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personally it is not as much about the class but more to do with the overall game and direction of game.
I have not liked the amount of classes BEFORE SK showed up.
The DK is just the team piggy packing from Wow as this game follows WOW’s symantics updates expansions etc etc.
I want to see this game break away from WOW because it SHOULD stand on it’s own merit and not piggy back off of Wow’s success.
There is obviously nobody listening to the cost and power creep of game so the team doesn’t seem to care so if we can’t have a PROPER game to play that is FAIR to everyone then we should at least see cards that help balance the game a LOT better than the team has NOT balanced the game.
I can’t write a 10 page essay on all the things that could be made better/fixed and needed cards as I am 100% certain this team knows what is up but again nobody is listening and nobody seems to care.
The goal seems rather obviously as soon as one set of cash shop mini set or expansion is released the immediately start working on the next cash grabs and THEME with little care about the community or what it has to say.

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Liking DK a lot. With more card variety, I could see it being my main if I ever played standard.

The real issue for you is the lack of experience in general (and possibly a small collection). That will come in time.

Quests are simply cards that give rewards when you fulfill their conditions. Think of it like a quest from MMOs such as WoW. For example, if a quest’s requirement is “play 3 beasts”, you’d need to play 3 beast type minions to fulfill its conditions.

Some quests have multiple steps. Completing each step will give you a reward, with the final reward being a big payoff.

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You’re not necessarily bad, maybe just new, idk your exp but if you’re level 32 in the season pass I’d rather bet you’re new
DK is amazing, I main it since it released and I doubt I’m ever switching (I said the same about DH tho) but it’s very interesting to mess around with it and try different builds, because as you’ve noticed, you can play either Blood, Frost, Unholy or a mix
Blood is purely focused on control
Frost is focused on spells usage, might be aggro or midrange
Unholy is focused on swarming the board with minions, most of the times it’s aggro
As every deck in the game (except priest and hunter decks) it has some skill gap and you’ll learn after playing some matches with this deck and get used to it
If I were you, I’d stick to the DK because it is the most versatile class rn and you’ll learn to play better with it

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sick of seing them… boring