How are auto losses fun?

I am tired of the A.I. putting me up against auto losses where you have to forfeit after the opponent plays their first card. How does blizzard think this is fun?
be me.
Get put up against a warlock. The AI gives the warlock both his evil nights and boxes right at the start. Obviously you should forfeit because you will be kilt by turn 4. am i correct? Can a dev explain how this is fun?
How are unwinable games fun? :ike that priest shard if you have not way to stop it? Why would the AI put me up against it? I have to forfeit as soon as I see that quest.


Itā€™s Activisionā€™s business model: ā€œfill the game with bots and these idiots will buy packs to beat them. Oh! And let the Chinese bot farm this game like we do in all the other games. Canā€™t upset them now, can we?ā€

Basically, this game has been/is horribly flawed and itā€™s only going to get worse as long as ā€œplayersā€ keep spending $$$ to buy packs (not to mention the other BS crap in the store).

So if you wanna win against the bots, open up that wallet and spend, spend, spend!!!


I donā€™t get why people keep using the words AI to talk about randomness
Ok for the matchmaking you can argue thereā€™s some sort of intelligence behind the choices that lead to matching 2 players
But for the order of cards in the deck that is pure randomness, no intelligence, no choice, just probabilities

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ā€œThe order of the cards are random.ā€ prove it, or retract your statement and apologize.

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Prove otherwise or your claim is irrelevant
I will use the same proof as all those complaining threads : my own experience and I will not argue more than that as all people asking for proof never provide any for their claims

source ? why do you always ā€œforgetā€ to prove your claims

You are the one who made the claim. It is up to you to prove it. Blizzard has never said the cards are random.
If Blizzard never said this, then it obviously came from your imagination. I am high IQ. Never test me.

Claiming to be high IQ (btw prove that, and not from free online tests or knowledge based tests, thanks) is the last thing that will make people think you are, you just look like an ignorant child pretending to be smart

You claimed first that the AI decides what cards are drawn

Whatā€™s your proof that the AI decides that ?

Whatā€™s your proof that the AI gave them these cards

Blizzard never said the cards order is voluntary pretedermined by an AI

Just applies to you too.
Now Blizzard never said any of our statement, they just said that you draw a card each turn and we have to assume how.
Either they developped a complex algorithm to create autowins for some player for what reasons
Either they just ordered the deck randomly like any normal card game and then you draw from it
And people that just remember the games where they were unlucky assume itā€™s the first scenario
Meanwhile people with a large span of games know that you can sometimes be unlucky for several games in a row and remember it well, then be lucky for a great number of games but donā€™t remember it, either because you didnā€™t realize you were lucky or because you will just forget it. Thatā€™s called the Negative Bias : humans remember bad things easier than good things, learn from that and assume negative things are the most common ones

Now then, if the AI decided what were to be drawn, what would be the point of creating cards that can draw specific cards, or discover cards from your deck, or discover cards in general ? Or rearrange the deck in a controlled way ? Why would have they given hunter a hero power that can chose what they draw each turn in duels in the past ?

No, there are decks can can totally manage that with efficient removals

A developper role is to develop what they are asked to. If you want answers about the fun of the game you should ask the game designers.

Because they are unlosable games for your opponent and thatā€™s fun to them. Too bad you donā€™t play a deck with unlosable scenarios then so your pretended AI canā€™t give you these

You mean the questline reward that needs you to spend 41 mana on specific cards before putting a 10 mana spell in your deck that you then need to draw and play or play from your deck ?
Sure thereā€™s no way to stop it if you donā€™t consider cards that increase the cost of cards for your opponent to mess with their curves, cards that counter cards from your opponent, cards that pull minions from your opponent hand, cards that can directly steal cards from your opponentā€™s hand, cards that can put back cards from your opponentā€™s hand into their deck, cards that can destroy cards from your opponentā€™s deck, or just even decks that will kill them before they even reach the point where they completed the questline

What do you need a source for? Explain or apologize.

Of course there are madam. Of course. But the AI is not going to put you up against the evil nite if you made a deck specifically to defeat it.
It like when the AI puts you up against jade golems 80% of the time and then you put the Skulking Geist in your deck. Suddenley the AI decides not to put you up against the jade golem because it will 100% destroy the persons chance of winning.
Or like if put every weapon smasher and stealer in your deck becauas you are tired of losing to the magic weapon of the rogue.
Suddenly you will never be put up against weapons again.
Now are you going to admit you made it up when you said the cards come out randomly?
Will you acknowledge this came from your imagination?
The fact of the matter is: A algorithm does indeed draw the cards and set up the matches for you. AI = algorithm in the colloquial vernacular. There is no such thing as AI but people call algorithms AI in the modern age we currently live in.
There is your answer madam.

no source yet ?
so its confirmed
this is something you came up with just because you been bored lately

Oh so you are admitting that you didnā€™t read what I wrote, nice.
Because if you did you would have had your answer to that.
If you donā€™t want to read my replies in their enteirety I think Iā€™ll call it a win for me as your forfeit the discussion you began.
Anyway, see you never.

Show me the quote where you said that you made it up?
That it came from your imagination, and you tried to pass it off as fact.
You never did. You failed in this argument and you owe me a BIG apology.
Everyone reading this thread knows you never admitted it.
Which is what I asked you to do.
Are you trolling?

Anyone who plays the game knows that itā€™s not a balanced game and frequently the card draws are stacked against certain players based on algorythms. Itā€™s less about skill and more about handing wins to players who are favored via algorythm.

To insinuate that experienced players arenā€™t observant enough to know the above or that need to prove the above is ridiculous.