Hot Take - make the Mage hero Cost 3 and it´s still Trash

So they’re lazy. Glad we can agree.

I don’t think they’re lazy, I think the interaction wasn’t a priority for them amongst the miriad of other issues and designs that they were working on in the expansion.

So they were unwilling to work on this interaction, which would probably be a simple fix, because they didn’t care about it?

Still sounds like laziness. I get that you don’t want to call them that, but that’s what you’re describing.

Also that’s not what myriad means btw. Although, it may accurately describe the number of issues they face when designing an expansion. Can’t really know though.

But I feel like you are missing my point. Prior to release mage had two decks.
Spell mage and WF mage.
They nerfed Spell mage to the gutter and 46% was the highest win rate I have ever managed with WF mage.
Instead of giving the deck support they abandoned it and reimagined mage yet again.
So while Warrior and Paladin and Druid got insane amounts of synergy with prior expansions, mage got nothing of the sort. (Again. They have done this for years. mage gets gutted and remade.)
Instead We got a BSM that I highly doubt will be higher than tier four.
Perhaps there is some Tempo mage that is viable?
But I have yet to see it.
WF mage was the first deck I have enjoyed playing in Standard in years.
I feel like Team 5 slapped me across the face.

Yes it is what it means? A great number of things?

I dunno how you can think that’s laziness, because I don’t think this interaction is actually important.

Wildfire Mage IS a tempo deck. Adding tempo tools to mage is adding tempo tools to Wildfire Mage. There’s also new hero power support cards too.

Well, if you can make it work successfully I would love a deck list.
'Cause the deck I have is getting face slammed.

Technically myriad means ten thousand, but so many people have misused it for so long people just think it means a lot now.

I guess ten thousand is a lot of anything, but the more you know.

I like rice. Rice is good when you’re really hungry and want ten thousand of something.

RIP Mitch Hedberg

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Oxford and Miriam Webster both have it as “many things”.

This is a rough list for tempo mage, haven’t actually played it yet. You might want to refine it based on what you’re facing more of. Might need some more card draw too.

And right below that in both of those dictionaries it has the classic definition of 10,000.

Basing accuracy on what dictionaries say is ridiculous anyway, especially Merriam-Webster.

If they changed the definition of an apple to that of a banana, would I suddenly be wrong for calling an apple an apple?

If the authorities on the english language decided it, then yeah probably. There’s no universal law on the english language. It’s a social construct made by people. People over many, many, many generations. But people.

But generally we add to the meaning of words we don’t remove them.

Thank you Aldrius. I still think that having nerfed spell mage to unplayable, and going out of their way to make sure that new cards did not buff the spell deck, (Fair enough. Everyone hated it.) that one might think that the logical thing would have been to give WF mage a boost, but nope.
They went out of their way to make sure that the deck has no synergy with the hero or the legend Card and very few of the other cards.
That reeks of unfairness to me when I see classes running decks that benefit from the entire rotations’ cards.
And this happens to mage every other full expansion, and has now for years.


Mirror, I’ve always admired your passion, but you’ve got to stop insinuating Blizzard does things out of spite.

The Wildfire interaction is an unfortunate result of order of operations - a Hero card’s Battlecry finishes completely, then the hero power change happens. I suspect if you played Zul’jin after somehow playing Wildfire in a Hunter deck, you’d get the same result.

I think the interaction should be fixed, but accusing Blizzard of doing this on purpose is probably not the way to go about getting it fixed.


The problem is cards that are good for Wildfire Mage are good for spell/burn mage. That’s why they didn’t add a bunch of cards that are good for WF mage.

Also the Modresh/Apprentice/Wildfire bundle already is kind of a working paradigm. Other than tutor cards there’s not much they could add. And the new elemental 2 drop IS a huge improvement to the deck anyway.

I realized this is testable in Wild. Cast Dinomancy at some point. Play Finley after that to change your hero power to whatever. Play Zul’jin. If the end result is your Hero Power is Dinomancy, you have my blessing to break out the torches and pitchforks.

I disagree. The Wildfire interaction is the result of really poor design or flat out bias. Take your pick, but I have watched team 5 for eight years, and in the last three/four they have repeated the same strategy over and over with Mage.
Example: They give mage a powerful deck that everyone complains about, and a weak deck that is missing tools to be powerful. (Spell mage/Wildfire mage).
They then proceed to nerf powerful deck repeatedly until it is unplayable to satisfy the complaints of minion players.
Miniset release: They give Mage comparatively nothing.
Next full expansion. Logic says that since they killed the powerful deck, the reasonable thing to do would be to buff the weak deck that needed just a small boost?
Nope. Instead they completely redesign mage and force the class to start from scratch in terms of power and synergy.
They have repeated this exact pattern now for at least three complete expansions, more likely four, and I can prove that.
Meanwhile; We are in a meta where practically every other class is enjoying decks that are built with the entire rotations’ cards.
It’s sickeningly unfair and blatant to every dedicated mage player I know.
I don’t know what their reasoning is, nor do I care.
The result would be the same.
The card is working as they intended it to. However; it could have been designed to operate far better than it does. Team 5 has ultimate control, and if they wanted the card to work with WF they could have easily made it so.
They made the effect a Battlecry purposely to make certain WF could not be used after the hero card is played, because they do not want any of mage’s previous decks to be viable, even though every other class gets to enjoy three expansions worth of synergy.
Thank you for the compliment.

I mean honestly I thought they WOULD change it just for the sake of this interaction, but having actually used the hero card now, the two cards don’t honestly work that well together anyway.

But this is not a new interaction. Wildfire doesn’t work with Frost Lich Jaina in wild. The way Wildfire works with hero cards is just the way Wildfire works with Hero Cards. And again, the Hunter quest’s cost reduction works the same way. You lose the discount when you swap hero powers.

So it isn’t just a mage thing.

The interaction isn’t just a mage thing, No. But the way mage gets treated every single rotation is unique to the class, and if you research what I’ve said above you will see it for yourself.

The effect did not have to be a battlecry. That was intentional to prevent Wildfire from being stacked at all and the decision killed Wildfire mage just as they also intended.
There is simply no way that they did not know what they were doing.
If that is true, then they are even worse at their jobs than I thought.

What effect didn’t need to be a battlecry? The hero’s battlecry had to be a battlecry.

Like again, the hero card wouldn’t even be that good in Wildfire mage even if it didn’t work this way.

Yeah, I also don’t really understand the fixation on the HP. It was never a Wildfire Mage card, anyway. No one ever indicated it was.

And if it would be, it would be a bad one. Turn 8 I want to already have mordresh on board.