Yeah Just going to do something else after that post. I gonna be better after a time.
Before that…
Know How many of those “big spell mage” i did trash already today with mozaki mage?
Thing is that the deck literally sits and let the opponent play. Be It combo aggro or even other control.
I really not trying to be rude but it’s Just junk.
Too many deckbuilding restrictions for a effect that is also junk for the time It appears.
5 damage AOE not clears anything that isn’t aggro.
2 3/6 not gonna stop your opponent from killing you next turn.
The spells are even cast in random order so good Luck setting that mask of c’thun damage.
In other words:
It’s junk even between junk.
I have a hard time even imagining that someone is honestly defending that and it’s probably why i got a little mad earlier. Sorry.
Atleast with rokara i can slam the weapon where i want without a idiotic deckbuilding requirement.
Yeah I’m having better luck with just straight HP mage and only the one new card that freezes and makes HP zero.
It’s a 40% deck but at least its linear and doesn’t rely on garbage win conditions.
I made a similar deck to Valkyrie and had much the same 35% success (maybe 3-4 wins, I wasn’t counting). I imagine it is best with Mozaki or maybe in a wild reno deck, but I don’t own this to test. I found that the deck could have niche purposes in countering certain decks, like a 1 mana kill a frozen minion is very efficient, but then a lot of decks aren’t winning with minions. The meta is just too diverse and at 8 mana I played the hero card one time in about 10 games and it had zero impact, so clearly out of the games where I was winning, I would have been better off without the hero card.
Those sound like bad builds or bad play to me, but I haven’t played against a single combo deck with my version so I can’t comment on it.
The only deck I’ve really had consistent/huge trouble with are burgle rogues of all things, and usually from them doing something stupid and random (one guy shuffled 7 ignites into his deck) not from… actual good play.
I’m gonna try it eventually, but just build it as a freeze tempo deck. Or a tempo deck that runs that card and some freeze stuff. Or a secret mage deck. There’s lots of options there to explore.
Speaking about how the Dawngrasp HP is terrible, I just watched a player use the Paladin Bannerman card and its a battlecry card just like Dawngrasp, but it gives the card you draw the same buff as the cards in your hand, while Dawngrasp overwrites WF no matter what.
Team 5 hates mage.
But the problem with this hero in wild is that the games are much shorter and getting out any 8 cost cards is difficult, I had every imaginable stall type card that I have in my collection. Including it in any mage deck that is good now is likely going to decrease the effectiveness of that deck, though possibly it is worth it for a 3rd ice block in some decks.
The specific issue with Dawngrasp is that they cast Wildfire before the hero power swaps so the Wildfire off of Dawngrasp’s battlecry is wasted, not that the hero power loses previous Wildfire buffs.
In this instance Mal is correct in saying Blizzard went out of their way to make this the intended interaction to weaken the card.
Maybe I should give Quest Paladin a theorycraft. The expansion gives Ram Commander and Kobold Taskmaster as tools to complete quicker and/or run less 1s so you can increase card quality.
yeah the card is supposed to cast the last fire spell. But they made it intentionally not cast Wildfire by having it resolve first.
It goes really hard when I have seen caveats for so many, but never mage. mage always has a higher bar for every thing it does.
It works the way it’s written, true. But because it does, the card is crap.
Wildfire mage was already on life support and it got no help at all from this expansion.
just like always, Team 5 completely reimagined mage, for the umpteenth time, and now it has to start from scratch, while other classes got sickening amounts of synergy with existing cards.
Just because they decided that was the order doesn’t mean they intentionally programmed wildfire not to work with the hero card cast like that.
Honestly, the hero card isn’t really meant for Wildfire mage like that. It’s PURELY big spell mage. Casting Wildfire off your hero card isn’t really ideal, so I dunno why anyone would run the hero in a deck that wants to use wildfire.
I’d rather get a Fire Sale off of Varden than a Wildfire.
I think they didn’t care (they were pushing the hero card for a different archetype from Wildfire mage).
Like Blizzard “doesn’t like Mage” is never going to be true.