Do you feel that the most intellectually engaging part of this game

We have very different conceptions of intellecual engagement, i don’t play the game or see the forums for that, quite the opposite

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Most intellectually engaging part of Hearthstone? That’s easy. Trolling!


The “most” intellectually engaging part of the game, not “this is an intellectually engaging game”. You need to learn to read in full sentence.

See, this type of exchange is what the game doesn’t offer.

I might have been misunderstood. Let make clarify myself: for what concerns me, there is nothing intellectually engaging in the game AND the forum. And that means that “most” part of nothing is still nothing.


It takes quite a bit of intellect to pull it off successfully.

really ?
with people posting as many fallacies as possible on each post ?

never heard of anyone playing card games seeking something intellectually engaging
is a videogame people play it for fun

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You see! I’m just facilitating the exchange of ideas

Maybe Brian Kibler can shed light on this - after all he majored in Philosophy & Religion.


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Uh Hah! Fireball pew

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There’s loads of other things you could do other than the listed activities.

-Continue playing ranked
-Play meme decks in casual
-Wild format serious ranked
-Continue playing ranked
-Single player, there’s a ton of content there and a good mix of free and paid stuff
-Wild format meme decks
-Why stop playing ranked after hitting “a certain rank”?

  1. Meme decks in wild casual isn’t fun because I’m a net deck player. Not strong at creating my own deck, and if I wanted meme decks from the net I would have continued with net deck to rank in wild.

So I continue to play ranked wild again, but stop because secret mage is boring after a while.

  1. so I try adventure mode which is not rng, but just minimal content and quickly completed. And there’s no replayability.

  2. So I try standard ranked and got bored of ladder at Low rank when I can do high rank ladder in wild with more variety. So repeat step 1.

When i interact on the forums i mostly explain some game mechanics to a questioner between the idiots.

But hey perspective right…

so you are the tryhard sweat who plays the best deck just to get internet points…awesome…love versing you

Thinking about where my life went wrong as i watch the opponent wait his full turn time every damn turn on purpose.


Play the RNG modes (Arena or Baatlegrounds). Not intellectual but it’s like a new way to roll dice until you win.

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? (music in captions)

The most intellectual part of the game is guessing thee

“wait for it!” moment.

And by that I mean - how am I going to lose this match? Although it doesn’t take much intellect to do.

Playing against a spell hunter using secrets and they drop Subject 9.

Ah okay, this is a Zuljin is OP deck. So I have to play this game out until he drops Zuljin which will make at least 2 wyverns, deal 4 damage cast 5 secrets etc etc etc.

Maybe it will be Embiggen Druid where the Druid cast Embiggen in the begging along with SideQuest cast 10 points of Minions. Then at turn 6 - 8 the Quest Completes and during that time the Druid plays Emerald Dragon. Summons either a 7/7 rush or two 5/5 rush and and the Winged Guardian. Oh? You can’t counter this? Guess I win on cue again.

Play against a Mage and you haven’t won by turn 7 and they drop a Mountain Giant.

Ah, this is where they cast Conjurers Calling or drop Khadgar and the cast Conjurers Calling and have full board of 8/8 giants and 7/8 taunts. Either way this is

what always happens. The intellectual part of Hearthstone. Knowing how the game is going to end by turn 3 already.

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In for a sandwich
(20 char)

Played against a Rogue for the daily

Discovery a legendary Minion
Clever disguise
I play a 0/3 minion Rogue plays Vendetta.

Definitely a game of randomness not repetition (Sarcasm).

Most intellectual decision making is what am I going to watch on my second screen while hearthstone does it same old same old.