HoF baku and genn solves nothing

Wild is still a mode, and as long as those exist the mode will be destroyed by them, and its only getting worse with time as new cards get added to mix making those cards even stronger.

Those cards actually needed to be completely reworked into something different and dust refunded.


Let’s play the wait and see game on Wild.

I agree with you in theory that they’ll eventually become an issue in Wild but post-nerf their dominance has gone way down.

The question will become does the benefit of Baku and Genn outweigh the synergy available in Wild from having a mix of cards? We’ll need to see as time goes on. For RIGHT NOW Wild is handling the adjusted power level of Genn/Baku decks fine but I do think Blizzard needs to figure out a long-term change on the cards as eventually I think we’ll see more opportunities where synergy and Genn/Baku overlap like it does in Jade Even Shaman


In Wild there are several powerful archetypes/synergies, that will probably be even more powerful and get out of control in the future aside from Genn and Baku. Besides, some people, including me, got to the point somehow where we actually would miss Odd and Even decks, if they weren’t a thing anymore. In Standard they barely had any competition, but in Wild that’s not necessarily the case.

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I think it’s fine.

Wild has Big Priest, Jade Druid, Reno/Kazakus, N’Zoth, Jade Shaman, Shudderwock and probably many more crazy cards in the future.


What to wait for? Baku and Genn were in the Wild from the beginning. April will change nothing in this regard.


There’s nothing to wait and see. Every set from now on will have good cards at odd and even costs. There’s no getting around it. They inevitably lead to the same issues in wild that they had in standard.

The only nice thing to be said about this course of action is that they at least didn’t wait until a few weeks before their natural rotation to take action like they did with patches. But it’s still a case of obviously problematic cards being allowed to stay in the game far beyond the point that everyone can plainly see they’re more trouble than they’re worth.


You are implying that they have never created strong even and odd costed cards before.
I mean… Before baku and genn, they already have a lot, and this is their power level in wild.

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Wild isn’t standard and they aren’t overpowered for what wild can offer.

Also you forget that their restriction gets bigger as time passes too because there will be more odd cards to not put in your even deck and more even cards to not put in your odd deck.

So the restriction gets bigger together with the possible card pool.


They already have a couple Genn and Baku decks seeing play in wild.

The only thing holding it back, kind of like reno decks, is the variety of cards that are available at even and odd costs. For instance, there’s no odd equality or tarim type effect odd paladin can use. But what if there is one in a year or two? If paladin needs another equality type card in standard, do they just have to make them all even cost forever to preserve balance in wild? Even if the “right” cost is an odd number? Is warrior just not allowed to have efficient new odd cost weapons anymore? How many years can the devs dance around this for every card in every class?


there is a new expansion being released too
and current wild meta is different thant current standard

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Is Jade Druid even that powerful rn?

Well, it certainly solves the problem for how to get a free golden Genn :sunglasses:


I’m a standard main, so I haven’t really played with many Wild decks. But in Wild I play mostly Mecha’thun Warrior/Warlock, ranked from 20 to 11 this month and able to best Shamans, Control Warlocks, Aggro and Big Priests but I keep losing to Jade Druid. Looking at HSReplay it seems like it’s the best performing Druid deck with 60+% winrate. I would say it’s strong… maybe not most powerful deck in Wild, but definitely is beating out lots of passive control decks.

Time. To see what plays out in the future.

Not really, in fact most Control decks have ditched Geist because it isn’t that common of a deck anymore. It is probably Druid’s best deck still but… Druid is probably the least played class in Wild.

Baku/Genn are a little more difficult to predict in wild.

With the deeper card pool, it can both empower genn/Baku decks further, or make the deck building restriction far more relevant.

With the overall higher power level of cards on every turn in that format, decks are also able to compete with baku/genn upgrades more evenly.

There are some decks where the baku/genn upgrade will probably always be best for in wild, but overall I expect them to be slightly less of an epidemic as they were in standard due to there generally always being a powerful card that could be included at each mana point.

If they do remain too potent there in the long run, there are some things that are tough to even nerf. For example, how would you even go about nerfing even shaman’s hero power if they needed to nerf that deck?

Overall I still think the cards shouldn’t have been made, but they are a tiny bit easier to handle in the wild format. (And also more easily stomached, as the format is overall a higher power level anyway)

Nice to see everyone here on the new forum!

Actually, moving odd/even deck to wild still helps saving standard, and Blizzard will probably nerf them again if they really dominate.

I don’t think it will be a critical issue … Remember that wild is home of Big Priest for example (IMO that deck in wild is way “more harmful to the game” than baku/genn)


He means how much more oppressive will become or of they will get vanished with time passing

Shrink Ray? It’s a five-cost Equality+Mass Humility.

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