Hmmm guess it should be said

anyone else kinda noticing they dont care about hearthstone anymore i mean ignoring huge bugs thats making a game unplayable jus smells of incompetance at this point we all get to sit and watch the continued fall from grace, ignoring bugs really? what are you daybreak games?


It was very embarrassing they didn’t fix the game-breaking bug with Titans and choose-one cards within 24 hours the other day (it took them a week).

They obviously have way too many artists and few programmers in the culture of the company in general (they never had cutting edge engines).

But they may have also thrown too thin resources on HS.

And yet, the so-called players (read as Chinese botters) keeps this game afloat. This game should’ve been closed down years ago.


That’s Blizzard’s problem! Hearthstone was stopped in China a few years ago, and it was Blizzard who found NetEase and started operating in China again! Blizzard is notorious in China, just like in your country!

thing that gets me is these bugs are causing mass game instability as bad as EQ is they at least get those fixed within 24/48 hrs i mean something so simple to make money with they are just pissing it away such an amazing company blizz has become under microsoft lol

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I wish they hadn’t fixed the lich king standard pack bug for a week.

But such bugs are always fixed immediately :face_with_peeking_eye:

so you don’t understand, hearthstone is just a clever money-absorption system in perfect orwellian style, you are the prolets, that is, those who delude themselves into thinking they have power but in reality the internal party (blizzard) controls through clever systems like the arena, where the poor prolets hope to have some chance of success, and in the meantime they continue to work for blizzard giving their time. For what reason should blizzard be at your service and solve the problems of a game that has been manipulating to absorb your time and money for 10 years? I only play for free by opening an account when I want and playing only if I’m doing “evacuating” or other boring things

Why do you assume they cared until now…Since Ben Broden left the game has been just a milking cow, with attempts after attempts to push sales…

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yup they are a scum company welcome to dealing with an american company

Ya’ll got nothing good to say, then just shut up. Nobody needs to hear it.

or u could just not read it? damn thats a novel thought isnt it?

probably you didnt find any bug

i got that from you not mentioning a single one on your OP if the game had so many bugs naming some and how are they triggered should be easy

all i found here is a mention of a bug they fixed

im not saying there isnt (im literaly waiting for one to be fixed but doesnt cause crashes or make the game unplayable ) …im saying you didnt find any

my bugs go from long spurts of lag after playing some special card i also get bugs where i dc every round till i quit or the match end ive also had the game clear shut down on me during my turn trust me theres plenty of crazy bugs going on the dc hasnt happened in a few days so they might have fixed it who knows im jus saying thats what i have exp the last 2 weeks its not like they openly post to let people know what they are doing unless it requires maintance or something they usually just update us when they do their patches im guessing next one will be for next expac outside of nerfs and boreas bugs are screwey some people get affected and some dont ive had countless people say no idea but when posted on forums i see others being bugged by it it seems you have just been lucky this time around ask any player they will tell u they dont get bugs while others do and vice verca anyone whos played at least 5 yrs should be able to give u a good answer

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