Highlander Druid: A Project In The Making

Hello everyone. I come to you all today with a project; one I believe could work. I have done before but with little avail, but I am steadfast in the thinking of the success of this deck, and I come to you all today with a more in-depth post.

3 out of the 4 classes that received Highlander support saw great results in the meta. Highlander Hunter and Mage stick around still today, both great decks with high skill ceilings.

However, there was always one class. One who, despite getting a good Highlander card, never saw the spotlight. And that class is Druid. Druid has been doing little more than toying around with its rugged, barkclad friends for some time. However, Druid could be better. Druid can transcend the duplicate barrier.

Druid can go Highlander.

Druid’s Highlanderr gameplan is simple. Simply be as value-orientated as the other Highlander decks (Rogue, Mage, Hunter) and capitalize on it. Cards such as Elise shine in this category, being an amazing tool for pure value. Alongside Floop and Phaoris, you already have a sub-archetype for Highlander. Dragon should be explored as well.

I feel the tools are there. Whether it be Dragon or Big Spell, or even Quest, with tuning and discipline, Druid can make it. Alongside the ever-so-powerful cards such as Zephyrs and Dragonqueen Alex, this CAN work.

We must simply arrange the pieces of this puzzle to make a deck. A deck truly workable.

I implore, invite, and challenge all Druid-lovers out there to optimize this list, to improve it, to share feedback among us. To work through trial and error to uncover what AI am convinced is a true hidden gem. One that can beat out Aggro, and stay on par with value.

The meta is for our taking, and we can alter it.

Here is the lsit.

Highlander Druid

Class: Druid

Format: Standard

Year of the Dragon

1x (0) Embiggen

1x (2) Breath of Dreams

1x (2) Crystal Merchant

1x (2) Dreamway Guardians

1x (2) Rising Winds

1x (2) Steel Beetle

1x (2) Wrath

1x (2) Zephrys the Great

1x (3) BEEEES!!!

1x (3) Ferocious Howl

1x (3) Ironbeak Owl

1x (4) Flobbidinous Floop

1x (4) Garden Gnome

1x (4) Swipe

1x (5) Anubisath Defender

1x (5) Elise the Enlightened

1x (5) Oasis Surger

1x (5) Starfall

1x (5) Zilliax

1x (6) Emerald Explorer

1x (6) Hidden Oasis

1x (6) Nourish

1x (6) Starfire

1x (7) Winged Guardian

1x (8) Lucentbark

1x (8) Splintergraft

1x (8) The Forest’s Aid

1x (9) Dragonqueen Alexstrasza

1x (9) Ysera, Unleashed

1x (10) King Phaoris


To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone

Anything is subject to change. I’ve been playing this list to what would expect a new deck to be, a learning experience and seeing flaws. I am already seeing weak reason to keep Lucentbark and Ysera in. This is a list orientated around Big Spells + Phaoris. Try Dragon or healing out too!

Don’t have the entire list? Great, change things, see what can work!

If you accept this task, perfect. Good luck to those of you who do!


Use more cards from wild or make it standard. Rotation is coming soon.

I implored those to change this as time goes on as would I.

This deck is currently Standard ready.

Doesn’t the dragon portals screw over highlander???

Yes, which is why I think it should be dropped.